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The strangest thing....

twotommos's picture

By twotommos - Posted on 07 January 2012

I was riding up on Red Hill this arvo near the single track section....and I noticed a bike on the side slightly off the path. It is a dark blue hardtail, quite old and even had a chain tied around the bike (I think near the saddle). I thought someone was doing some exploring and was just leaving their bike there. Did a few loops and then we bumped into another MTB rider just off the end of the single track section. We chatted briefly and he mentioned that the bike had been there for a month now. Unfortunately I didn't see the make of the frame or go back past it again...but if you think it's yours I'll be happy too show you were it is....

muvro's picture

That bike needs some love! It's been up there for easily a month.

Berserker's picture
thshs's picture

That bike belongs to SpokeyDokey.

craked's picture

this oldandslow V spokeydokey thing cracks me up!!!

SpokeyDokey's picture

I did have a bike just like that last year, but it was racing green. Not sure if oldandslow got his colours wrong...

It was stolen in May 2011, coincidentally from when I visited oldandslow at his retirement village in Willandra Road. If anyone sees it anywhere, I'd be much obliged.

thshs's picture

off you once upon a time. If I did, I certainly can't be expected to remember where I left it.

SpokeyDokey's picture

I see from your profile pic that you are riding a vehicle remarkably similar to the one I lost

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