You are hereForums / By Discipline / Mountain (off road) / By Location / Australia / NSW / Sydney (North) / Looking to get more riding in - any volunteers?!
Looking to get more riding in - any volunteers?!

I've been riding offroad for years, but after returning from Asia in mid '10, I find I'm not riding nearly enough, and mostly alone. I ride a bit on the Saturday TORC ride, Duck/Centre, the odd Anderson/Oaks etc and 1-2x/week roadie commute - but not nearly enough, and I have too many excuses to not ride when the alarm goes off early if it's just me! Got to get off my lazy a$$...
Anyway, I'm looking to join a regular rider(s) who already go out, or someone who wants to start a regular weekend ride (am flexible on Sat/Sun), and maybe the odd night ride. Happy to drive a bit on some weekends to Ourimbah, Awaba etc, and to start doing a few races. In terms of my level, I'm OK on all-mountain (my main discipline while in Asia), and while I am not anywhere near the pointy end of the TORC weekly ride, I am a fair distance up from the back too. FYI I'm based in Killara, and work in the city.
PM me if you'd like to try and get some regular rides happening - maybe train for a few races.
Cheers, James
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If you're looking for rides to train on, try the Quarry Road Track, for the ups and downs
And for nearby road rides, do Galston Gorge/ Berowra.
Post your own ride, and people will come along, or see what rides already are posted, that's the best way to get into a regular ride pattern.
I'm from Hornsby, so if you posted rides in the area, most likely I'd come along.
Best wishes.