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Easter Saturday 7th April - Oaks Run

Nerf Herder's picture

By Nerf Herder - Posted on 22 March 2012

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Saturday, 7 April, 2012 (All day)

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
The Oaks
Meeting Point: 

Woodford trail head

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

There are two parts to this:

1) BMORC are participating in an inaugural trail hosting gig with NPWS @ the Oaks.
- This has come about as part of BMORC's growing relationship with NPWS rangers and area management around the Blue Mountains.
- Obviously increased riding opportunities on Single track in line with new NPWS MTB policies are our aims.
- So due to a late drop out, we need 1 volunteer to accompany me from approx 8am to 12pm @ Woodford trail head to meet and greet etc etc (There is also a training component on Satruday 31March if you want to attend, but I can cover this).
- There is another shift on Sunday 8th ... but thats covered by 2 other vollies (with thanks Michael and Rory).

2) @ Approx 12pm at the end of our shift ... I intend to hit the oaks so for those interested
meet at Woodford trail head around 12ish (train dependent) and we'll have a nice pedal.

Let me know if any interest in either 1) or 2).


Who's in?
Nerf Herder, The Brown Hornet, Pedalgogy, Chuck, hathill, trim, eddy, DigDig, 0psi, Username2, Dutchy74, suarez (12 riders)
Nerf Herder The Brown Hornet Pedalgogy Chuck hathill trim eddy DigDig 0psi Username2 Dutchy74 suarez
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
eddy's picture

I'm up for a oaks run next saturday

The Brown Hornet's picture

My trail hosting ninja skills are not needed so that free's up the morning for family fun, which in turn opens up the afternoon for mountain biking frivolities (Hooray!). See you there guys.

Nerf Herder's picture

See you there Marty & JP

Good turn out ... Uhmmmm ... I might actually need to train ... meh

suarez's picture

Hi What time to be there on saturday?

DigDig's picture

12 at woodford end for the ride.

BM Epic's picture

JP are you going on saturday, is there room for me to come with, i can take the patrol if want, wouldnt mind heading out!

suarez's picture

see you there Saturday 12.00 pm.


Dutchy74's picture

I did a night ride with Chuck last week and would like to get more involved with the local MTB scene.
Do you have room for one more (on a fire trail?).

The train doesn't arrive until 11:43am. Is this too late for you guys?



Pedalgogy's picture

I'll ride up from my place and meet you at the top gate.

Chuck's picture

I'll be on the 11:23 train from Glenbrook too Paul.

Dutchy74's picture

No worries then, see you there.
Was working off Thursday's timetable too, wasn't I. I'll get on at the Blaxland station, for 11:53 in Woodford.


DigDig's picture

Rode the single track this morning dang its fun.Only 3 wet patches thats it.See most of you at 12.

Nerf Herder's picture

see you guys @ woodie I'll be the guy with the floro vest ... that doesn't look like Wes Smiling

Username2's picture

Im keen for this, I'll be the guy in last nights clothes looking rather seedy. Should be good fun!

trim's picture

See you guys at Glenbrook for the train ride up!

DigDig's picture

dang 12 big

Username2's picture

Looks like I'll not be making it. Seems I was double booked today. Sad

suarez's picture




Nerf Herder's picture

Was a great day ... big up to Wes for holding my hand at the trail hosting thingy ... was really fun for me meeting heaps of peeps, lots of bike nerd talk, handed out shite loads of info about bmorc, might have recruited a few peeps for the Lantana Lash @ Mundee ... even got to plug some of my shizzle Smiling

good to meet some new faces on the ride as well ... not sure how I'm going to go with the Andos double, frack I hate climbing Smiling

Notables ...
+80 riders from 8.30 to 12 ... few family groups as well Smiling
Couple of walker groups ... keep your eyes out for news of a missing family group of about 20 of my relatives.
Mike powering the last bit to the gate from the heli pad ... local advantage, booo
The erode bit is getting a bit ridiculous ... but man it was fun
And finally new nick name ... Wes the Destroyer ... ring and cranks ... bad luck dood

Chuck's picture

Was a good day out for me as I hit up Knapsack first before catching the train up to Woodford. Weather was just perfect too.

Had to laugh when Nerf mentioned how he thought he would over take Trim on the run down from the Helipad, then had second thoughts when he pulled out from Trim's slip stream. Must be hard for you little fellas at speed. Smiling

@Graig. You need to clear up what your login name is. I heard Oopsi, Opsy and I call you ZeroPSI.

The Brown Hornet's picture

Good ride guys, a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Yes Al, a large group of your relo's in the bush. What could go wrong? I'll keep my eyes on the police rounds in next weeks gazette to see if they got lost on the fire trail. I'd be more worried if they were at the beach!

Opsi (as I call him), you need to give me your Yeti and I'll break it in for you!

DigDig's picture

Was a great day apart from droping my chain alot.Not sure what happen in the last section theres no marks on the chain ring or the chain.But somehow i have broken the spider and munted a 34 tooth ring.I realy like the idea of the trail hosts will happily do it again.

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