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never one to shy away from asking silly questions

Oky the subject suggests -I'm not one to shy away from the embarrassing can someone pretty please explain ....chamois cream and when this ought to be used?
recommend - not recommend?
I have been riding in some random 24 hour and 12 hour mtb races recently, however one has to laugh when you reach the final few laps and everyone in the team cannot bear to sit down on that saddle this where the chamois cream becomes the star of the event?
Random thoughts, comments, meaningless trivea appreciated.
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You can buy some very expensive chamois creams (Assos for example), but essentially what you're using is an overpriced diluted nappy cream (eg Johnson's baby, Bepanthen). You wont need to use as much of these than a specific chamois cream. Their use is designed to reduce friction and act as an anti-bacterial barrier. Some times I use the stuff sometimes I dont. Put it on before you put you knicks on (especially if you get someone else to do it for you - then again maybe not
A couple of other tips is to make sure you a least remove your knicks between laps, better still change them. Using a talc, or cornstarch product may also reduce wetness (which leads, perhaps unexpectedly, to more friction). Check out Anti-Monkey Butt Powder (from the US) if just for the name and product label.
That should get the rest of you lot going
Alchemist - purveyor of Lotions and Potions
event and I have to tell you the thing that hurt the most on that was my human / bicycle interface. I had not even contemplated using anything even though I was aware that those doing the 100 did (mind you I was out longer than some of those doing the hundred)
Anyway, being the father of three young children, baby included, we have a ready supply of am-o-lin. As the alchemist said its a nappy rash cream and at the end of the day nappies and knicks have alot in common. Works a treat and probably would not go on a long ride again without using it first.
Probably the only thing more important is a good quality pair of knicks. The quality of chamois is very important, don't skimp here. Saddly, in my experience atleast, many of the mtb style shorts with inbuilt chamois just don't cut the mustard, lucky for those riding behind you. Spend the money here that you saved buying the cheap chemist/supermarket nappy cream over the expensive bike specific creams.
At this point it's probably time for Flynny to come along and talk about the evil bumsock and the benefits of free-balling in mtb shorts.
that George swears by vaseline....
i really don't want to know about this thread any more!
with his Saturday night socialising
Did someone say bumsock?
They cause more deaths then they save...
{flynny's standard bumsock rant}
Only time I've ever had rash issue was when wearing a bumsock.
While I don't often go over 50km at a time nowdays in my yuff on a fixie 100km in a pair of nylon footy shorts was not unusual. I've never chaffed so don't see the point of nix.
though I will admit to trying an undersock on my last big ride and it was too bad.
As for creams my mate swears by pawpaw cream for chaffing.
the few times I've rashed from wearing nix I found tea tree cream to be the most effective in clearing it up.
thanks for the insight guys - does one know unless one asks!!
Aaaaahhhh! See?? Flynny has the answer. You just don't wear nix. Just tuff it out and your arse will thank you.
Nix are for latte lovers!
except after breakfast, of course ...
Knicks are great. I save my best pairs for the road and the cheapies for off-road as I tend to fall off my mountain bike quite a bit and rip holes in them.
And it feels great going commando ...
I don't get it, why stick a chamois in your riding pants or apply a lotion to your private areas when you can get big soft seat with plenty of cushioning.
On my Mongoose I have a really big seat with springs and I can easily go all the way around Narrabeen Lakes and back before I need a break.
Mountain Biking Rules
you have a huge ass beany!
Well maybe you can use it for your next gap jump.
Stick and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.