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Nice track, two aggro kiwis... :-)

Disclaimer: I found all kiwi MTB'ers to be courteous on their amazing trails... these two must be the exception...
For a bit of Easter humour read this NZ MTB'er's post: "Assaulted On The Flying Nun, Christchurch"
Note: Read all the comments (page 3) on this NZ thread below to get the full picture...not just the short video
Q: After seeing the longer video: Was the rider up his rear too pushy or not?
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What a coincidence.
That guy looks amazingly like spokeydokey, right down to the riding kit.
Similar riding style also.
I dont believe he was to pushy! there was plenty of oppertunuties for Bumble bee to pull to one side and let the faster rider through. But all he did was hog the track.
The original poster on that forum thread got slapped by the other posters for being impatient and churlish, and I think that was definitely earned.
Bumblebee Jersey Dude should have made more of an effort to let the OP past. Something like "coming up" a few seconds ahead and then "go right" or similar and then move off and slow down to give him space to execute the pass would have been the right thing to do.
I thought the comments the OP made in the vid about running Bumblebee off the track were poor form, or at least they came across as poor form - I can accept that what was said may not have been the whole of what was going through the OP's mind as Bumblebee Dude seemed to be about go wide to create an opportunity to pass and then shut the door more than once. However, I can equally see that the guy in front could have received that as a threat.
None of that justifies the assault at the end, though. If you're that on edge about things going on in your life, go burn if off on a long walk instead ... by yourself. I hope the OP is able to get some action from the local plod.
Good lessons here on what not to do for all levels of rider, methinks.
Having watched the full video ... I must admit to not feeling completely sympathetic to the OP. Looks like he's forgotten that trails are there to be shared!
Re the assault. Everyone has a limit, and will snap eventually. Catch someone on a really bad day, and their snapping point might well be way before you expect it!
Instead of demonstrating consideration and courteousness, the video shows someone out there to have a good time despite anyone else. OP showed many instances of being arrogant by not adjusting to the circumstances, by not looking for or taking alternatives, and generally just being on Bumblebee's case.
And not only on his case; on him - literally - at one point! Was riding straight into BB reasonable behavior on OPs part? What's OP doing in a situation that he ends up riding into another rider? Did he offer BB an apology? Seriously, what was the guy thinking?
All of which caused BB to react; at least as far as getting off his bike to give OP a piece of his mind. The finger swordplay was clearly the last stroke though; the picture gets all fuzzy after that!
This by no means excuses BB's behaviour; it's disgraceful. But when you look at how OP rode, you have to admit to there being provocation.
Doubt the collision was intentional - you can hear the tyres sliding in the loose rocks and there were plenty of better opportunities to shoulder charge 4X-cross style earlier up the hill if the OP had been so inclined. Riding too close? Closer than I'd have been comfortable with.
After watching the full video and reading the posts as [Edit: Hawkeye was not resosponsible for the mentioning the posts - my apologies to Hawkeye.], I think this person sums it up nicely:
"by tcr on 9:19am
He shouldn't have assaulted you, [...], but you could have easily avoided the situation. You mention that if he doesn't let you overtake "we'll have an accident", and "do you want me to just run you off the track instead". You also tail him aggressively and ride into him at one point.
You both behaved like idiots."
That said, I might not be the fastest rider in the world, but they both seemed like they were going pretty quick to me anyway. There appeared to be quite a few 'B-lines' at the top where the BB person could have allowed a pass without much hassle. But the camera person gets a bit excited too IMO.
Riding bikes is still about fun right? It's certainly not about assulting other trail users.
Either way - it looks like an awesome trail - I'll be adding Christchurch to the list!
The aggro bumbly will get his just diserves when he tries t do the same t someone his own size , fn muppet!!!
a copper or corrections officer who just cannot switch off from bully mode when off duty!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you are that keen to go fast and the rider in front is not yeilding how hard is it to stop for a few minute to let them get away and then fang it again?
If you are plodding along and a faster rider comes up behind how hard is it to let them pass?
If you get into a blue how hard is it to throw a proper punch?
Poor form all round. Both riders need to take a good hard look at themselves and realise they are both crap
Yes Op would have annoyed the hell out of me, but only if he was behind for long enough to have to request more than once. I am much happier not having anyone behind and gladly give space to pass.
The bumble bee guy obviously had a lot going on prior to getting to the track. The clip more made me think about what everyone must be going through in Christchurch. So many people must be right on the edge having to deal with so much.
Best answer is as said above, go and check out the trails, they look awesome!
No comment on the riders
But the trails around the Port Hills in Christchurch are awesome, this trail, The Flying Nun, was my favourite - if a little short.
There are so many trails in and around Christchurch - definitely worth going over for a (very) long weekend.
Firstly if a faster rider is continually on your tail, you let them pass,however if a faster rider is on your tail and he asks politely to pass, you 100% let them pass and the first oppurtunity avail. That would be at the first section of double single trail,not only should the rider in front take the slower route,but he should also make sure he slows down if needs to insure the faster rider passes safely.
Secondly,the faster rider has every right to get annoyed due to the slow rider saying pass,then not letting him pass consistantly!
Thirdly even though the slow riders ride was disturbed by a fellow riders polite request to pass that turned into annoyed requests, that is 100% not any excuse to assult the faster rider even if he in some small way had done wrong
He verbally abuses him,tries repeatedly to steal his property,physically assults him,restrains him and so on.
Anyone that even remotely defends the criminal low life that did this obviously does not respect trail courtesy or the law.
This guy needs to be pulled inline for this,or he will keep doing it and continue to give mountain bikers a bad name..
Such a sweet trail though
Ben, the rider in front has right of way. Even in a race situation it says they're to allow the faster rider to pass only when they believe it is safe to do so. What a less experienced/skilled rider believes is a safe spot may be different to what you believe.
The guy behind had several opportunities to pass if he was as good as his "race leader" type calling suggests. At one point especially it looks as though he deliberately stayed behind to buzz the guys wheel.
It's not a race, how hard is it to take it easy, or stop and let the trail hog go?
Was old mate justified in his reaction....The PC answer is no but seriously I don't know, if you carry on like a self righteous cock sooner or later some one is going to snap and maybe you deserve what comes to you.
Why should the guy with the camera be allowed to harass old mate, at one stage yell out threateningly "Do you want me to run you off the trail?"
Yesterday we I was on a ride with a mixed group. We spread out a bit as some of us stopped to film a techi bit. We took off again with a mate behind me filming as we hit some nice sweeping trail leading down into another techi bit we caught up to a slower rider who was a little too focused on staying on to pull over and let us pass.
It was disappointing to break the filming but we pulled over and waited and timed it so next time we caught him it was in a mellower section where we could both pass safely without interfering with his ride. Tooo easy
I can where you commin from, however I must stand by my previous comment, everywhere ive ridden (non race), any slower rider in front with any social skills and courtesy will let the faster rider behind pass, as they at one time or another have surely been in the same situation and can empathize.
In the full vid, from the second he asks to pass (common courtesy) the rider in front ignores him then finally says "pass then" and does zero to let him pass, he makes it near impossible to pass SAFELY for ages, until yes the slower rider clearly gets upset, as would most fast riders in this situation. However the whole point of my post was commiting a crime or giving what he deserved or however else one wants to justify violence is against the law and has no place on the trail or anywhere for that matter,and bad publicity like this is certainly what MTBrs as a whole dont need.
Show courtesy on the trails, if there is someone faster let them pass, its not that hard, and who knows the next time your out riding you fav trail that you blitz, that same rider may well just let you pass
It was me, oldandslow. What's the issue?
I can see that there is no excuse for a lack of trail courtesy and physical assault.
If you read the posts on the kiwi site they say things like "this kind of stuff has been going on around Christchurch lately". Bumblebee has probably had his house demolished by an earthquake twice and lost his business because no one has any money for anything but rebuilding their houses, and he's not a builder.
Its so easy to vilify people but really wtf do we know about whats going on, or what the consequences will be of our and others reaction.
Come on ! Seriously ! If a faster rider comes flying up behind u pull over and let them pass , no issue ! I do it 4 anyone &expect the same it's the only way ,what u won't him t pull over and let the slower ride get ahead & then continue only t have another bumbly come down the trail , it doesn't work ! Just let them pass & everyone's happy .
The dude filming forfeited his rights to common courtesy when he said the "want me to rin you off the trick then, bro?" line. (hey, I editorialised...sue me O:) )
I would have gone real slow at that point. And grown extra elbows. Pretty rude, but no excuse for the lead rider's behavior at the end.
Nice track, though!
I'm a slow old bugger who lets faster guys go past me at the first opportunity. Firstly I might learn something and secondly the sooner some agro sod goes past me the further away from me he can go over the handle bars.
What I neglected to mention, oldandslow, is that the guy taking the video was also
responsible for the fracas in Vee Tees bar in Methven in 1993. Payback is a....
What happens on tour should stay on tour.
I think we've gotten away with it this time, but don't mention it again.
Lmao!!!! That's hilarious!!!
so good!
nice find!
Lesson: Ensure you are aware of all facts before passing comment.
I've watched the video again ... and this time can hear the sound properly! Previous viewing was in a cafe and I couldn't catch the talking, so judged this only on picture. (Which shows the second guy riding consistently on BBs tail.)
So ... too late to change my call? BB demonstrated complete and utter idiocy, by persistently refusing to give even an inch of opportunity for a pass.
He then follows that up with outright aggression, before physically attacking the OP.
Probably the most that the (very polite!) OPer did was fail to avoid the situation, by giving the guy a wide berth wherever possible. I wouldn't consider anything he said out of line. Not even the 'ride you off' comment. (Isn't that just another way of saying 'I am RIGHT on top of you mate'?)
So my previous comments really weren't well-considered. The provocation I thought I saw isn't there. The tailrider was reasonable and communicative, and always spoke in even non-offensive terms. Even during the attack, much to his credit.
Every now and again in life one comes across a gem; Here there are three. BBs a classic, and so is that trail and the cartoon!
Anyone know of similar rides hereabouts? (Sydney)
very soon in Hornsby ... if only we make sure the NIMBYs don't win the day.
Hornsby, eh? Well there's an uncanny coincidence to the bumble bee guy's jersey...
...and I believe he was a NZ Elite XC racer during the 90's aka Bad Billy
Rider fined over bike rage incident
New Zealand Herald Sunday 22nd July, 2012
A former national mountain bike champion who attacked a fellow rider in a trail rage incident caught on camera has been fined $750. Aaron Dalton, 45, earlier pleaded guilty to the assault of Jordan Brizzell on a popular Port Hills trail above Christchurch. Brizzell, 24, claimed he was attacked by the slower descending Dalton who wouldn't let him pass on the Flying Nun trail in the Port Hills about 4.40pm on April 8. Dalton stopped on the trail and confronted Brizzell.