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Ouch, first 100KM
I'll keep this short(ish)
First 100km race to a bit apprehensive especially as my training hadn't gone to plan in the last month. Started in the 3rd wave as I was late to start due to not being able to find my sunnies (glad I didn't find them).
Set off Ok, got to the first hill pretty quickly but found that I was still being held up a fair bit. The riding soon stopped as a chain reaction of riders stopped in front of me. Got back on around the 500m mark and rode the rest. Passed the 28km feeling good, got the 50km point around 2hr 30mins so was going ok as I was aiming for around 6hrs. Quick stop and onwards to what was probably the hardest section for me on a 29er hardtail, after the nice climb that is. 50-70km was tough going and I was praying for some smooth fire trail.
Got to the water crossing and joined the queue of riders waiting to cross, some were wading through with the water up to their necks. Watched plenty of people fall in one after the other, hmm not what I needed to see, some sneeky people rode up and walked it. My turn come so I set off get to almost the 3rd last kayak and for some reason I decide to launch myself at it and face planted it. End result, sitting on the bank, spitting blood, nose bleed and blood pouring from a cut below the eybrow. Race over, wait on paramedic.
Must thank all the people who helped get me and my bike back to St Albans to get stitched up and the rider Brad who gave up his own time out of the race to do the initial assessment. Gutted not to finish but back on the bike and try again for the husky (once all the swelling has gone down).
Well done to all the other riders.
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Ouch indeed. You were definitely on target for a sub 6.
sorry to hear your bad luck Gary,sounds painful,hope your recovery is swift.
Hope you heal quickly.
We will get you back on the bike and make sure your next 100km experience is much better - and definitely a sub 6.
I saw you afterwards, that was quite a number you did to yourself. You looked like you'd gone 1
8rounds with Mike Tyson. We'll see you at the next event. Luckily the DW is the only one with canoes that jump out at you.Mend well buddy
See you at the next event or the next social/training ride.
Some good colours going on in my face and slowly spreading to two black eyes!
My missus was traumatised from watching this! Glad to hear your ok.
Was she one of the spectators on the far side then. Was it your food she had?
This is an unsupported event *cough cough*
Biscuits or crackers I do believe.....but yes Phil they must have been for herself.
Nah, they were close side. The three girls had wine and snacks for themselves only. All i got was a concerned missus telling me not to ride the bridge! (I did anyway)