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Local downhill tracks Orange Bathurst Lithgow?

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Hi all!
Keen to get back into downhilling, I live in Bathurst and was wondering if Orange or Lithgow have any legal tracks to ride and whether there are any races held there? I had a search but didn't turn up much, not a good sign!
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I have only ridden Kinross in Orange which was great, but I have heard there is awesome tracks in Lithgow and Rydal, not sure of where they are. I can only suggest head down to Belly's Bikes and ask some of the boys in there where they go.
These guys should be able to help you out
Was about to share the same link as Lach.
The Central Tablelands Mountain Bike Club is your best bet.
Bit light on in terms of legal stuff right at the moment
You have just missed Newtons Nation which included DH and DS Bathurst. The DH track is on private land and not open to ride outside that festival but we are hoping to work with the land owner to utilise it more often.
In Lithgow we're working on a new club track on Hassans Walls which, all going to plan will be ticked off and good to go via our state race in August. After which we will be able to hold regular club days.
Until then the Gun Club track is legal (we have to hand back the DA once the new track is built and up and running)
Some good stuff in Orange too. It's semi legal, as forestry have been happy to leave the trails so long as no wooden north shore stuff is built. Talk to the guys at Darry Grants
Thanks guys for your help. I think i used to ride the gun club track back in the day (if it's the same one). I thought it had been scrapped but.
I missed newtons as i was racing at the Chocolate foot event in Orange that same weekend. It would be nice to have a local track, Mount Panormama would be nice and close
The new Lithgow track sounds good, I'll keep my ear to the ground.
I'll chat to the guys at the LBS' and see what they can recommend.
Thanks again guys.
Gun Club is the old, old state track that was used from early 90s(yep a council approved DH track on public land in the 90s) through to about the 1999 Oceania's.
It than had a bit of a break from racing until we lost access to the State Mine track.
It's been used for state and the occasional club races for the last 3 years or so and is still in tip top shape.
I'm from orange but this site doesn't recognise it as a town lol. Kinross is nothing man you havnt been up mount canobolas yet have you we currently have 5 tracks just finished one and soon to start on a fast flat track more riders are welcome
We got loads of tracks around us mate txt me on 0434732460 come for a ride some day my name is mark you need a local here to show you the area or you will get lost
Kinross is good for XC but nothing you'd really call DH.