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First Time NobMober ride - Sat 29th April

Justin's picture

By Justin - Posted on 19 April 2006

Saturday 29th April.

Update: Terrey Hills it is!

Terrey Hills:
Meet at the Terrey Hills shops, we usually park on Dandenong Rd which is just off Booralie Rd (check
You can find more information on the Terrey Hills ride at
I am planning to do the perimeter trail, out and back on the long trail then back to the shops via the perimeter trail (you can go back on the road, but this is mountain biking, people!)
There are some hills, but this is a generally 'undulating' ride and follows the ridge-top mainly so there are no massive ups and downs except for a couple of hills at the start.

2.5 hours for Terry Hills, plus travel time. Regulars are welcome to join to welcome new Nobs, just remember this is a first timer ride.

Please remember the following:
- Helmet and gloves (long or short fingered are fine)
- at least 2 litres of water
- Spare tube / repair kit, tire lever and a pump
- a muesli bar or banana
- The really important thing to remember, mountain bike with knobbly tires (e.g. off-road, not slicks or road tires)
- If just starting out, I'd recommend elbow guards or a long sleeve shirt to save grazes
- no toe-clips please (cleats are OK if you are happy with them), but I'll have my screwdriver ready to remove toe-clips (I've seen way too many bruises because of these, they are not suited for MTBing, no matter what the dude in the shop said).

0419 611 681

Stuart M's picture

Sorry mate, do you mean this Saturday the 22nd or are you giving us lots of notice for the 29th?

Justin's picture

Don't want any people complaining they didn't hear about it Smiling

Stuart M's picture

Looks good for the moment but will confirm Friday 28th.

Don't care which of the two tracks we do

Rob's picture

P will vote Terry Hills and we will almost certainly be there if that's the track.

BTW, on the list of essential equipment, spare tube or repair kit + tire levers are really up there.

Justin's picture

and a pump!

christine's picture

What time will you be starting at Terrey Hills? And, I know it's uncool, but does it matter if my bike doesn't have suspension? It is a mountain bike...what tracks will you be doing?


Justin's picture

We would just do the perimeter and the long trail, our usual MO.

No suspension is cool and is fine this is just fire-trail. We used to have a guy who rode with us for a year on a no-suspension bike and he always out-rode the rest of us (but he did used to be a x-c racer)

duncanF's picture

I'm fairly new to the area and I'm keen to try out some local trails. For a variety of reasons I haven't ridden for almost a year - until Manly Dam last week. I really enjoyed it but probably a bit too technical for the first time back in the saddle (one off and two bail outs). I'm a bit of a XC type at heart, so I'd like to try Terrey Hills, which I think has more climbing than Manly? Only two things holding me back - a Camelbak without a bladder (lost somewhere between England and Sydney); and.... toe clips. They came with the bike when I bought it and through mud and rust have now become an integral and (I think) unmoveable component of the bike. please bring your screwdriver and have a go - but I think the whole bike will un-ravel....
PS - Think I stuffed up the registering. You'll see there are two Duncans in the Who's new section. I'm not bi-polar but just couldn't spell my email address.

Justin's picture

If you've been riding with them for years, then it's up to you... I am really just checking with people new to MTBing. But the screwdriver will be there...

duncanF's picture

I've had them for four years - there as old as the bike. I'm used to them, but they have no real benefit as far as I can see..

mitch_f1's picture

I think i'd be in for Terry Hills (just around the corner from my house Laughing out loud). What time do we start?


Tory's picture

Hi all,

I'm so up for it!!

I need to learn some skills, big time. I don't care where, went to Manly Dam the other day (first time MTB, 3rd time on a bike in my adult years) and got a fright. Did the circuit fine but NOT what I was expecting! How does Terry Hills compare with Manly Dam?

Anyway see you all there! (will need directions if it's Terry Hills)

Tory (aka Victoria)

Stuart M's picture

Manly Dam is much more "technical" than Terry Hills. No rocks to climb up and over and none to fall down. It is longer, just over 20k instead of 12, and does have large sections of sand which can throw your balance if your not carefull. They also sap your legs, well mine atleast, provided you lasted around Manly energy wise you should be fine. Only two hills of note, neither of them as big as "heart break hill" at Manly, but there is no shame in getting off and walking if they are too long.



Rob's picture

This is really in reply to Christine's post on the Anzac Day topic, and is a confirmation of ride time/meeting point.

We're talking about Terrey Hills (click the link).

The meeting will be 8:30am by the shops on Booralie Road. That's the end very close to Mona Vale road (coming along there from the West, turn left at the lighs, left at the circle and the shops are there after about 200m and a sharp right turn).

Depending on how we go I take it we'll ride the Perimeter and Long Tracks, although those who can't face the latter can easily bail out before then.

See you there!

Fargs's picture

Not ridden here so will try and join you guys if thats alright. May have Sat morn heavy beer legs depending on how Friday night went Smiling

christine's picture

I have a girlfriend who would like to come too on Saturday - does she have to join on the net? Do you have rules like that?


Rob's picture

Nah, don't worry about that - just bring her along.

Well, you know - with the usual caveates about having a bike and no toe clips and being able to pedal and stuff like that Eye-wink

mitch_f1's picture

I'll be bringing my camera, does anyone mind?


Rob's picture

Hi Mitch,

We love pics, and if you get any good ones encourage you to slap them up on this (well, or any) site.

A few folk around here fancy themselves as photogs too so always welcome.


Justin's picture

Be there and ready to go at 08:30 - if you are going to be late, call me on the number above - there will be a few people out tomorrow so please do the right thing and let us know - and we'll wait for you!


mitch_f1's picture

Thanks guys, that was a very enjoyable ride, I had a lot of fun. Nice to meet some very friendly people with a similar interest in MTBing. Sorry I had to leave kinda early; mum needed her car back (my car doesn't fit the bike).

I think that was the most sand I have ever ridden on. Thanks to those of you who gave me some tips Sticking out tongue, sorry I forgot your names, i'm not very good with names Sticking out tongue

Thanks again

lizzoi's picture

Hi Mitch,
Was great to have you join us. Glad you enjoyed the ride despite the sand... hope to see you again soon.
Liz (I am the one who was sitting next to you on the rocks overlooking Pittwater)

Justin's picture

Fantastic - 10 riders - we had Mitch, Tien (on his brand new trance), Duncan (who survived with toe-clips!), Fargs, Pratiwi, Christina, Christine, Liz, Robin and me! Unfortunately Tory and and Andrew couldn't make it due to other commitments (priorities!!!). We had two GPS and still managed not to get lost despite software glitches Smiling

Everybody was in tip-top form, the day started out rainy but cleared up into brilliant sunshine and a great ride! Christine and Christina bailed after a couple of kms, although I thought they would have been just fine after the first few hills - we'll see them on the next ride!

Feedback would be great - let me know if you enjoyed the ride, was the pace too fast, more stops / less stops etc. I felt we went a little quick, was sorry to see people bail out.

Anyway, we'll do another ride before I head away for June, but please feel free to post your own ideas and times for rides.


tien's picture

It was just great - a bit hairy the first bit but soon got into it

Many thanks to all

Look forward to next ride



Stuart M's picture

Most enjoyable ride Justin, felt comfortable with the pace, at this stage wouldn't want to go any quicker as my legs were like jelly anyway, but wouldn't necessary want to go too much slower either. Maybe after next week I'll have a little more juice in the tree stumps and feel a little more comfy joining you on a "proper" ride.

Next time I'll try and provide a little entertainment as per Morgan Rd last week so you remember I rode with you Smiling All good, thanks again.


christine's picture

Well, maybe if not finishing with you lot counts as a bail out then we did!
Kristina found it a bit fast and didn't like the hills so we did the Perimeter Trail; stopped for a chat and had our museli bars at the Long Trail intersection, where to our horror, we saw a bunch of riders descending towards us... we looked at each other in emabarassment that we had taken sooo long to get to the Long Trail that you guys had been out and back already!
Much to our relief it was a different bunch who said you were all heading out still at a very fine pace!
We had our snack, waited for the new bunch to get in front of us and rode back - we were quite proud that they weren't much in front of us at the end.
We really enjoyed ourselves and we both thank Liz for her explanation about suspension - I called the bike shop when I got home...however, since we know nothing at all about bikes and suspension, if we were to shop in Ebay or the Trading Post does anyone have any simple tips for what we need at a low cost? Bike riding isn't my priority sport although I intend to go twice a week locally, and once we get the pace up we plan to try a group ride again!
Until then Kristina and Christine will be having their own super-beginners cruise about Oxford Falls and Terrey Hills!
It was very nice to meet you all though!
Thank you!


Justin's picture

Sorry - kudos to you for keeping on going! And thanks for the tips on the name spelling. The first few hundred metres up to the top of the first big hill is the most technical of the whole ride.

If you are looking for a bike, then to keep the cost down I suggest you go for a new bike with front suspension only. I'll put together a post and put it in the equipment forum.

duncanF's picture

Thanks for yesterday. Good fun and I hope to join up on another ride soon. I've got the MTB bug back again: i've just been for a quick spin around Manly Dam; I had one great off (going uphill!) that left me seeing stars...

Rob's picture

Really? How'd you manage that? Eye-wink

Where was this (look in the Manly Dam Directions gallery and point it out)?

Fargs's picture


I have the GPS downloaded from Motionbased from the Sat ride. It covers, distance, elevation, map , time etc. If you want to add it to the ride profile data email me at [email protected] and I will send it through as can't see a way of adding it to the site.

christine's picture

Thank you for all your tips on bike shopping, and yes, in my excitement I spent last night on the internet and confess I looked at...lots of secondhand and new bikes on Ebay! (and the Trading Post)However! we didn't buy one yet - Shimono seems to be the important thing on there...
I did the Sandy Trail about a year ago with a friend and his bike fell apart on there so I am concsious of badly made bikes, plus as I live right near Red Hill that is where I have been going on my week morning and I don't relish the idea of getting stuck there!
Thank you Rob for your information about girls' bikes, I must confess, I did think it was a know!
Thank you all for your help! I shall get back to 'shopping' again now!


duncanF's picture

At a guess, I hit the ground somewhere between "Heartbreak Hill" and the "19th Hole" - most likely on the bit on the directions called Straight (although it seemed uphill to me). I misjudged an approach to a boulder, got out of the saddle for extra power and ended up flying over the handlebars when the front wheel plugged. I blame the toe-clips....

Justin's picture

darn toe-clips

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