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Slowly does it

hawkeye's picture

By hawkeye - Posted on 29 July 2012

29 Jul 12

5 minutes off what I did a few weeks ago, but a long way short of the 41 minutes I posted last year.

Looking in the mirror after the post ride shower, I got a few kgs to lose. Might explain why I didn't clean Heartbreak Hill Sad

Hop fiend's picture

get loaded on Caffeine-legal,cheap & readily availiable!!!!

andyfev's picture

An improvement is an improvement and 5 mins quicker is not too shabby Eye-wink

hawkeye's picture

I did three laps in total.

Am feeling it today, all over! Everything's sore... glutton for punishment Eye-wink

But that's what I like best about Manly Dam - a great full-body workout.

ADZA's picture

man if i did manly dam now i think i would die after 1 lap Sticking out tongue
and that lap would be slow as hell

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