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Wollombi Recce Ride

Brian's picture

By Brian - Posted on 02 August 2012

Sunday, 12 August, 2012 - 10:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

3.5 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Meeting Point: 

The Wollombi Tavern

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This is a recce training ride for the Wollombi Wild Ride on September 2. It's not quite the complete course as we will be avoiding the private property bit but most of it is rideable which will be good if you haven't ridden here before (like me).

After the ride we plan on stopping at the pub for lunch and a beverage or two Smiling

Here is the proposed course and depending on how we are going we might to a bit extra Eye-wink

The pace will be consistent and seeing there only looks like one decent hill 3.5 hours should be plenty.

Who's in?
Brian, jaseh, Cannondalecrazy, DudeistPriest, paulw
Brian jaseh Cannondalecrazy DudeistPriest paulw
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Brian's picture

Looking at the forecast the weather is looking a bit dodgy. I'm not sure how the trails hold up there but as I'm coming from Sydney can someone sms me if its looking too wet. I'll be leaving around 7:30am.


jaseh's picture

I don't think it will be too bad unless it hoses down. Send me your phone # and ill text you Sunday morning.

Brian's picture

Thanks. I sent you a PM

DudeistPriest's picture

Hope the weather improves by Sunday, it's pretty average about now.

Brian's picture

Its mainly coastal and hasn't made it inland to Wollombi as yet

DudeistPriest's picture

Rain's ok, it's the wind I don't like. I see the forecast for Wollombi on Sunday is for possible showers (80%) and wind around 20 -22km/hr so it might be ok.

jaseh's picture

No rain in Singleton today. I headed down Newcastle today and only had one shower while I was there. Looked like nothing got past Maitland. Wind is not as bad out here either. It has been pretty dry over the last couple of weeks so a couple of showers isn't going to make a heap of difference, if it rains all day tomorrow it will probably be worth missing.
I've got one more coming with me so I think we are full up for numbers now.

jaseh's picture

Cloudy but still no rain up here. Radar looks pretty good too. lets go ride a bicycle!

jaseh's picture

Well that was a good hit out. Chasing Brian take a bit of energy!
Good ride with a good crew and not a raindrop in sight. Pretty good considering the cloud cover.

Brian's picture

Thanks for the great ride today. Here's the profile and we were on the right out and back section.

My legs are tired now Smiling

GAZZA's picture

Why aren't you using Strava? (Garmin connect is Soooooo 2011) Eye-wink
And why is it showing all distances ect in imperial?????

Brian's picture

GAZZA, click the metric up the top right.

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