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JetBlack 24 Hour

trailburner's picture

By trailburner - Posted on 14 August 2012

Saturday, 1 December, 2012 (All day)

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

24 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Meeting Point: 

There's a small parking area on Caley Drive next to the trail head. This is approximately 2.1km South from the larger road junction (circle) at Mt Annan Drive and approximately 1.4km South of the main car park.

Their address is Mount Annan Drive, Mount Annan NSW 2567. See:

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

The iconic JetBlack 24 Hours as well as the Mercedes-Benz 6+6 will return to Mt Annan for the second time. After rain, more rain and heatwave we had an epic and close to perfect race on our hands last year. This year we plan more of the same.

Who's in?
evan, GAZZA, trailburner, trailbunny, Hasbeen Racing, Bikeboy, unicycle6869, Medigger, Scottboy, twotommos, Bernie-Burn, StanTheMan (12 riders)
evan GAZZA trailburner trailbunny Hasbeen Racing Bikeboy unicycle6869 Medigger Scottboy twotommos Bernie-Burn StanTheMan
What Happened?

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...

Who Title Status Laps Time Pos.Gen. Category Pos.Cat.
StanTheMan Jet Black 24 Hr Mt Annan 2012 6+6 master pairs Finished 21 24:09:52 8 3

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
trailburner's picture

We will rock Mt Annan again on December 1+2 2012.

close to Sydney
camping next to your car so you don't have to haul all the gear around
great racing
great atmosphere
great mates
6+6 categories
and the list goes on
Just updated the website with this year's info:

Registration will open Monday 10 September at 8am.

Rider numbers are limited to 650 and we expect a full house so please don't wait too long to sign up.

trailbunny's picture

You can sign up now, reserve your spot early, rider numbers are limited to 650.

This will be a cracker of a race Eye-wink

Brian's picture

38 degrees forecast for Saturday

GAZZA's picture


Brian's picture
Scottboy's picture

doesn't look like Brian is racing ? Why is he worried about the weather & getting everybody worried ?

philberesford's picture

Brian is our resident weatherman Eye-wink

40degs tho - ouch! and I thought 8hrs of mid 30's at Awaba on Sunday was pretty rough. I remember a few years ago at the Fat Tyre at Ourimbah it was 43+. It was brutal, Chris pulled the race short by a few hours. But it looks like you're all going to have to sprinkle some extra nails on your Concrete Flakes™ for breakie on Saturday. Have fun.

@Gazza, are you soloing? You're going to need that German Beer this weekend that's for sure, hydration and carbs = super food!

Hydrate or die - Ride safe peoples

Brian's picture

Just making sure people who are racing are prepared. At least it looks like a cool change will be coming through.

If I really wanted to get people worried I'd mention the amount of snakes that place has and how active they are on really hot days Eye-wink

StanTheMan's picture

chorman beer & prezels.....mmmmmm

Scottboy's picture

a Botanical garden after all & need a place to live since it has been built up with houses & a highway the other side lol/

Scottboy's picture

looks like our resident weather man has been looking closely at the wrong weather zone , bring on the interment rain this will be fun .........will keep the temp down now .

jdb's picture

Glad I'll be enjoying the beach today Smiling

Brian's picture

Looks like you might be lucky with the weather as is much cooler then predicted on the coast right now although the 98% humidity doesn't help.

I hope everyone has a great race and looking forward to reading the post race reports Smiling

Brian's picture

Are there live results anywhere

GAZZA's picture

But it's been bloody hot down here! ( still 31 degrees at 7.50pm)
Martine and I are coming 2nd overall in pairs and second in elite pairs!
She's rode like a bloody legend! So proud of her!

Brian's picture

That's awesome news especially in this heat.

Brian's picture
Brian's picture

Results are up. Well done to Gazza and Martine on a great result.

GAZZA's picture

Nice to see everyone down there on such a stinking hot weekend.
Kudos to my partner Martine who got the second fastest female for the day!
Not bad for an old bird! Eye-wink

Dicko's picture

You did so well with the heat out there - takes a lot to get through 24 hours of that.

GAZZA's picture

But we went the soft option and did the 6+6.
Such a nice feeling to be finished at 6pm, have a feed, glass of wine then bed for the whole night!
Best thing of the whole weekend was the cold outdoor showers. Jumping under those after every lap on Saturday was literally a life saver!

StanTheMan's picture

How good was the wake up music on sunday morning.

Seriously awesome. I thought it very apropriate music. Very eery at e same time.

CROMERBOY's picture

Who slept?

StanTheMan's picture

those who chose to ride in the pussy catergories like 6+6. and we even managed to get some alcoholic beverages too. And not those ones handed out at the end.

unicycle6869's picture

Can anyone please tell me what the elevation gain/loss was on each lap?

unicycle6869's picture

I want to congratulate everyone that finished as it was a very hot and hard course. I also want to thank everyone that passed us unicyclist for being so kind to us and offering words of support. You two wheelers are a very nice crowd and we appreciate you letting us ride and race with you. Our team of three ended up doing 22 laps (ranging from 46 to 70 minutes per lap) and we were pretty happy with that considering the conditions. Not only did the heat kill us at the start but that trail is not ideal for one wheelers as it is way too bumpy thus we didn't get any breaks during the ride. Even on downhills we had to pedal and concentrate on the trail. It was our first 24 hour race and we don't think we will be doing another one anytime soon...but you never know. Cheers.

Hasbeen Racing's picture

@ unicycle, you guys are incredible. I found it tough enough on 2 wheels.

@Cromerboy, I slept. Last lap @ 11.25pm next @ 6.15am. One of our guys couldn't sleep and kept circulating, the rest (6) got some ok sleep.

It was my first 24hr and I really enjoyed it. I've ridden Mt Annan a bit but it was fun doing multiple laps and refining lines. I loved how friendly and considerate most people were, lots of room and greetings when passing and getting passed. The atmosphere was great at the transition, especially at the end when they were handing out beers as riders crossed the line and people were cheering.

Our team of old blokes (40 - 45) managed 10th in the 24hr team of 6 and we're stoked. We're also claiming 2nd in the master even though it's not an official category.

CROMERBOY's picture

If your rider who couldn't sleep ever decides to leave you guys please send him our way.
We were a six man team but had one no show and the replacement for our other team member who broke himself last week got to the track late at night and his lights failed.
So we basically ran as a four man team until first light Sunday where we could send out fresh legs.
We were going alright and held 3rd position until Saturday evening and then we dropped away as the effort of riding in the heat started taking its toll.
In the end we took sixth - so a good effort to all on the team.

Brian's picture

Well done Steve. Were you using the HT or Dually?

CROMERBOY's picture

I was on the HT, which I must admit I was struggling with as the track conditions deteriorated. Going into rutted corners started to wear a bit thin after a while and I did find I was longing for rear suspension as I got tired. Lesson learnt - take two bikes!

unicycle6869's picture

Anyone know the elevation per lap?!

Hasbeen Racing's picture

Sorry, I put it as the subject without putting it in the body. 172m from my Garmin.

StanTheMan's picture

Pics are up

Scottboy's picture

where u find the pics stanTheMan ?

StanTheMan's picture e-mailed me a direct link to my own pics. I asume everyone got thiers?

Brian's picture

Here's a link. Just start typing your name or race number

unicycle6869's picture

I did a very detailed write up of my experience for my first 24 hour race. So if you want to know what it was like doing it on one wheel, you can read all about it here:

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