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Best result

Great day out in the picturesque Wollombi / Yengo Ck valleys. Glorious sunshine. Cool but not too cold. No mud! In fact it was a little dusty riding in traffic. I’d almost forgotten what that was like….
Start was a little clumsy, with riders needing to line up and walk over the timing mats, but with individual timing starting from that point, everybody was pretty relaxed. Then it was out onto Yengo Ck Road for a couple of km’s in the sunshine before turning into Undercliff Winery for a bit of paddock work and a short climb. Had someone fall off just in front of me on the short climb, even though it was not particularly technical.
Back down onto the road for a bit, then off onto a side road (private road?) for a meander through some farmland before a steep climb up onto the Finchley Track. Too long and steep for me, so along with most others in that part of the field, I walked up the steepest bits. My dodgy knee was pretty sore after the climb. However, the worst was over early and from there I don’t think I was passed by anyone that I didn’t pick up at some later stage.
A bit of ridge top work followed, before a helter-skelter descent back down to Yengo Ck. One corner had obviously claimed a few victims, with skid and slide marks all over the place. Hit 67 kmph on the way down. The sharp right-hander onto the Boree Track was well sign-posted and marshalled. We then went up a valley for a bit before a few more kms of climbing on this out and back section. Saw Gary Milburn and another Jet Racing rider with a good lead coming back down just as I hit the hill. Gradient was more manageable for me on this one, and I passed a few riders and walkers. Dropped my chain getting back onto big ring for the ride back down and had to stop to get it back on.
Sat with a train of 5 most of the way back down as overtaking looked a bit sketchy with lots of riders walking up the hill at this stage. Once on the flats I locked out the front forks and reeled in quite a few riders. The climb just after the detour back into the winery was a bit of a struggle, but once back on the road it was a short sprint back to the pub.
Finishing at a pub – how good is that! A beer and a sausage sanger in the sun was a great way to finish off a fun ride.
Tried a new “budget” nutrition strategy on this one. A Ride Bar (from Woollies) 15 minutes before the start, followed by 3 jelly snakes while on the road. Worked fine, although the snakes are a bit of a mouthful when the dust means you can’t leave the tail hanging out of your mouth while you eat the front end…..
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Well done on the result. Not sure I agree with the not to cold bit though.
....when we got there we parked in the sun and by the time it was time to get kitted up, it seemed OK. Rode in just a short sleeve top, bib and dobies and only felt cold in the early loop up into the back of the winery. Mind you, my mate who I travelled up with rode in long thermals and sleeves the whole way, so maybe it was a personal thing.....
Well done. I had a long sleeve base layer, jersey and arm warmers on for the whole race.
When we got there it was still foggy and about 1. We stayed in Broke and there was ice on the car and bikes when we started the drive down to Woolombi. Cant add the picture to this comment but see Icy Seat Picture
The ice melted on the way down but it was still a challenge to warm up and my feet were still cold after the hills.
... the 45 km start at 9:15 meant it was probably a few degrees warmer than when you guys took off. The car said it was 2C when we got there just after 8:00, but my Garmin says the min temp was 10C in the race. Not sure how accurate Garmin is on temp as yet as its only a new toy.