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Long ride planned. Access info needed for some points

Hi all,
I'm trying to plan a decent length ride for endurance training purposes. Just unsure of ability to access in some points of the ride.
I live at North Manly, so
Planned ride is:-
Manly Dam, up to start of DH FT. Across the parkway up to the pipeline and follow it until davidson where I can jump over to Cascades, up Quarry, over to Wildflower, back past St Ives showground to MV rd and Forest Way intersection. In at S/E corner of intersection down to Five mile creek trail. Out to Morgan Rd, back in to do Morgan Rd FT down to WH Parkway at deep creek. Up over Red Hill over to MD jumping in at nursing home trail, 19th hole and down to labs.
Is there access from MV rd/Forest way intersection to end of 5 mile creek track? Ridable or hike a bike sections.
Is the access from end of Morgan rd FT down to Deep creek?
Are there any other issues in regards to this ride?
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My thoughts:
I think you'll find that getting from MV rd/Forest Way down into the valley may use some not-so-legal trails. Its firetrail on the valley floor, but getting down is the issue.
You can get down from the end of the Morgan Rd firetrail to Deep Creek, but some of it is hike-a-bike. Not difficult though.
The main issue I can foresee is then getting from Deep Creek to Red Hill. The staff at the academy of sport keep keen eyes out for MTBers and have stern words about getting off their private property. The 'legal' route would be to ride up the Parkway to just before Oxford Falls Rd and then into Red Hill from the west. It is not that pleasant a climb really, but it gets you to the top.
Have fun.
Don’t think access to deep creek via slippery dip is legal at all?
End of slippery dip through the deep creek is apparently called gutter ball? I don’t think is legal or really rideable (unless your kinda insane) but would be a very short “hike a bike” and brings you out onto another no go MTB trail at deep creek, apparently there’s another way down that’s more of a trail but defiantly naughty.. anyhow if you turn right (with your bike on your shoulder.. just out for a bush walk style?) at the bottom of the gutter ball, this will link you through to the parkway (ironically a road..? but it’s considered bad for the catchment /environment to build MTB trails 100M away.. go figure???) from here you can legally ride around to South Creek Road via the sports academy and Cromer golf course, then up Toronto, turn right at Cromer Rd, turn right at Wolbah Pl, take the fire trail that starts as a road through (after a nice hill climb) to the Cromer Connector into Red Hill.
What's this about the NSW Sports institue and their private property? At what point is it their's vs part of Red Hill? I've never heard of this or never had a problem for that matter. I also (but may be wrong on this) thought that Gutterball was the only legal trail from which to drop into deep creek.
Thanks for the info guys.
I find it strange that the academy of sport would be against mountain bikers. Considering that some of the best riding around is at their back door and after all they are there to promote sport.
Hopefully they will one day see how big the biking community is and promote it.
They can't have unknown people on site when they have children at their facility.
So long as we stay outside their fence there will be no issue.
Negotiations for a trail network using the part of their land outside the critical area are in train. If you want to contribute to getting an XC/AM/DH trail network up and running in the area, join Trail Care for the price of a takeaway lunch and have your voice heard.