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Manly Hot Lap

I was out for a ride last night with a mate and we were talking about our declining times around Manly Dam. I still enjoy this as a barometer for my overall bike fitness/technique etc as it encompasses a bit of everything rather than just outright climbing speed and fitness. However over the last 5 years I've never been able to get back to my fastest times - I haven't necessarily been fitter or less fit than in the past - I don't race but ride a lot, so have written it off to getting older (41). However I noticed that there's no hotlaps in the top 10 that have been done this year, and the fastest are all several years ago. Does anyone think the speed of the loop has changed at all? Intuitively I would have thought faster with the sporadic work that has been done but it's interesting to note the lack of faster times with newer faster bikes. Any thoughts?
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches]
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I would agree, I feel the track itself has slowed dramatically since christmas 2011. The rains earlier this year really gave the track a work out even though in recent times it improved dramatically and its been very dry.
But I judge my fitness according to Manly Dam as well.
I couln't judge Manly Dam from 5 years ago. I've only been riding around there for 3.
Perhaps different parts have degenerated at different levels & have been fixed up again. For example The Backend Downhill From Bear Right right to the bridge at the bottom near the waterlabs I'm still 10-15 seconds slower atm than I was 12 mths ago. perhaps it was because my tyres were new. (My tyres need replacing)
Maybe all the wet weather we've had over the last 18mths or so and the trail being closed has meant that those who care have done the right thing and stayed away?
Has done some solid times of recent note, including getting close to the double lap under a hour!
The wet weather has probably had an impact on fitness as well, as Manly Dam gives you a workout like I don't get elsewhere except maybe Red Hill.
But with the poor condiiton of parts of the track I'm a lot less confident than I was to go fast. The descent fro Allambie used to be a matter of letting the brakes off and popping the bike over the rough bits, but the landing zones have gotten a lot more chopped out, such that it's a lot easier to catch a front on a rock and go OTB.
My times are improving again, but I have to say there is a certain fear factor creeping back on on certain parts of the lap that hasn't been present since I was first learning to ride there six years ago. I need a 29er
....for the first time in ages and was 1 second slower than my time posted in Nov 2011 (on the same bike and setup....Anthem X1 29'er) , but agree the course feels more choppy in a few places.
I blame the miss vs my record on that farkin bird that you now have to look out for and distracts you from the task at hand.
How long do butcher birds normally live and does anyone have any great skills with a blowdart, catapult etc?
When I started riding Manly Dam last century it was unimaginable that anyone could ever get around in 1 hour or less.
Since that time way long ago the track has been dumbed down to an amazing extent and I have become an old person, but I now consider 45 minutes as quite an easy loop with plenty of time to talk to other riders at all the stopping points.
Personally, I would like the track to become longer and have alternate lines available which are much more technical.
I only just beat my pb about 4 months ago by about 30 seconds.
Also did 2 laps in under an hour about 6 months ago which I recon I could beat both times soon.
Nothing really to do with the track. More to do with my fitness. But yeah, I recon it's a fair bit harder and more rutted since the wet weather we've had.
I only just beat my pb about 4 months ago by about 30 seconds.
Also did 2 laps in under an hour about 6 months ago which I recon I could beat both times soon.
Nothing really to do with the track. More to do with my fitness. But yeah, I recon it's a fair bit harder and more rutted since the wet weather we've had.
I am riding way more than I used to but riding Manly Dam less (used to be at least 4 times per week) and I can't get near my old times. I think part is my bike - I set my fastet time on a 130mm bike which seemed to smooth out the real rough stuff. The Anthem I have now seems to be more skittish - also think the major part is Manly Dam fitness. I find myself struggling to get going again after heartbreak hill and the next pinch and fight all the way to the single track.
From Wakehurst I used to get to the single track in 8 mins - I am a minute and a half down on my most recent runs with only a 3rd of the track done - so MD fitness me thinks.
The other day someone pulled a 30 min night ride!! SO THE TRACK MUST BE OK
Superb. No excuses then.
I've wondered similar, I can't crack 34mins in the last year which is 3 mins off where I used to be. Looking at where the track has changed, the really changed section that slows you down is the downhill-ish section after Southern Cross (I think that's what it's called) which is really nasty now at speed. Having said that it would only take 20 seconds tops of a lap which is more than made up for by some of the new dumbed-down sections so I don't think it's the track.
I blame bike fitness due to having a job now and losing so much momentum after the dam was practically off limits for 3 months this year when the rains came in March. Similar to another poster, pushing from Ava's track up to the 19th hole single track is now just bloody hard work whereas it used to be a great challenge. I've just upgraded to a dually but not chirstened it at the dam so I'm hoping that's going to make up the lost time without me having to pedal harder, here's hoping