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Major Development Threat to Oxford Falls + Red Hill trail network

I'd just like to unpack some of the earlier post on this subject. This is quite serious.
The State government is looking to develop the land in the Red Hill and Oxford Falls area that Warringah Council was looking to set aside as an Environmental Protection Zone. The EPZ would have worked very well for us. Seeing that didn't come off, the government is looking to pounce.
Besides being potentially having a severe adverse impact on the health of Narrabeen Lagoon catchment over the long term due to the inevitable death of a thousand cuts, it is likely to result in the loss of a major chunk of the existing unofficial trail networks in the Red Hill / Oxford Falls area.
The area under "consideration" (threat) is the white area in the following map. It is huge:
Trail Care has met with Warringah Council, Department of Sport and Rec, Crown Lands, MLALC and has reached agreement to draft a Memorandum of Understanding between all parties to start bringing these trails up to standard and authorise them, re-route where necessary for protection of heritage and environmentally sensite areas, build new trails, and turn the area into a mountain biking haven. Our vision is to have in place a trail network capable of providing a 50km singletrack loop, including crossings under Wakehurst Parkway to join Oxy and Red Hill, an event centre at the Department of Sport and Rec including a mountain biking Centre of Excellence, DH and AM runs - the whole box and dice.
This proposal from Planning has the potential to complicate and hold this up for years - to have this come up from left field when we are so close to the start line is ... aarrgh, words can't describe.
It is vitally important we send a message: this area is of extremely high strategic value to us for a whole range of reasons.
Department of Planning are consulting with the public to find out how the community values this area before making any decisions. RSVP by 3 October by emailing [email protected]. If you read this after this date still RSVP anyway.
The public meeting is being held Monday 15 October 2012 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm at Forestville Memorial Hall (corner Starkey St and Warringah Rd, Forestville). Staff from both Council and the Department will be available on the night to explain the strategic review and answer questions. To attend the session, register by email to [email protected] by Wednesday 3 October 2012.
Bums on seats are essential. We need to sieze this opportunity. RSVP today!
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I am unable to attend the meeting due to work commitments, but have sent an email advising of my total disapproval to development of the area.
I am also becoming a member of trail care today to support and protect what we have. A lot of us take it for granted the trails we have, but we could so easily be left with nothing if we don't protect it.
Imagine the network that we could have if a Centre of Excellence was established at the academy.
Lets not loose what the we have!
I heard about this on Sunday.
I was riding in Cromer ( I rode right over a 6' brown snake Brrrrr ) with my 12 year old who is just into mountain biking. I learnt to ride mini bikes up here too. This has been on the agenda for 50+ years but with state governments putting enormous pressure on local councils to provide urban consolidation it may be inevitable.
I will attend if only to determine if we are fighting a Goliath.
Just remember David wins.
And for riding a win would be no development OR limited development that helped fund proper formal mountain bike tracks and protection of the remaining environment.
We only lose if we are squeezed out and ignored.
Todays the last day to RSVP, do it people
Any updates on the meeting Monday?