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Need to deal with leg fatigue!

danielschipper's picture

By danielschipper - Posted on 26 December 2012

26 Dec 12

I need to do a fair bit of work conditioning my legs. Just get massive fatigue in the quads as soon as I try to put any power down. Not sure if it's just that I need some more K's?

Parkway to the creek; 1:44
Top of Heart Break hill; 3:57
Top of single trail; 10:00
Hydro lab; 16:19
School; 19:29
Golf Course; 28:00
Back to Parkway; 35:53

StanTheMan's picture

You need to change your rides.

I know you ride the dam quite a bit. Somtimes you do sevral laps. Honestly I get bored. You need to also strech your legs & get more fitness to make the hotlap quicker.
I'd look at doing some road work as part gainig some fitness.

before The Mont this year, we started getting every hill around Manly partly because the Manly Dam was too wet as well as building up our fitness.
Get some hills into your legs
The route, was starting at Seafoth shops. Down Burn Bridge creek deviation. Up Kenneth Road down to millers reserve, Up Allabie road, onto the pipeline from the Aquatic center down Allambie Road again. Up to queenscliff. down along Manly Beach. Up North Head. back down again. upto Tanja Park. Then back to seaforth. I think once twice we even went down Spit Hill. & back p again.
Do it as hard as you can. No resting. We did this for 4 weeks. We came 5th in the Mont in the over 40 6packs and I've nevr been as fit in my life as the few weeks after the mont.I even gota 31.30 hotlapbt because My Strava let me down...errrr I forgot to press go. (oops)

so change the type o riding you do perhaps include the cascades in a lap that you do 3 times a week. Cascades are not very technical but be34cause its fire trail is great for fitness. But dotb giveup your single track work. That skill needs practice

edit: Sorry Daniel I think I got you confused with someone else. but essentially, don't just do laps of sopme riding where you do some serious legwork.

danielschipper's picture

Yeah my plan at the moment is to get back to Cascades and ride 4 gates some more. I did a 1:04 4 gates the other day so thought I might have a sub 35 dam time in me.... to much Christmas cheer apparently. I'm also going to be riding to work via Heath Trail, Quarry Climb and the St Ives Sniggle; 16 K's each way and some good hills.

What about fuel? Did you change eating or hydration habits at all?

hawkeye's picture

Spin classes can help as well.

High intensity intervals on a spin bike don't leave you anywhere to hide. At one stage I was doing two spin classes back to back at Virgin Active on Tuesday and Thursday nights, along with some core and upper body work and I set some PBs at the Dam without really trying all that hard.

Hill repeats are good too. Currently I'm doing HMAS Penguin to Chowder Bay, and then down to the Zoo and back on the way into work into the city, or just repeats up and down from the Zoo.

The other thing that impacts your fitness is the quality of sleep you're getting, and the excess kgs around the middle. Unfortunately these two seem to be related. If I sleep poorly, sugar becomes a craving and substitute to keep going during the day.

Been thinking about getting a roadie, something decent quality retro in steel that I can build up with current running gear.

StanTheMan's picture

As far as fuel goes

If i'm doing it first thing in the morning. Have a few wheet bix & coffee60-90 min before. a bananna about 40 min before take off. I have a goo, musely bar or bananna every hr. If you are doing a 4-5 hr ride pack a lunch like a sandwhich with peanut butter or anything really. something with substance. also pack some snaks like jelly beans or snakes.

I hate goo or otherwise known as sports gels. Genarally I avoid them but on big rides or while racing they are absolutley part of the equasion.
Mars Bars & snikers go a long way as well. but tend to melt on epic rides when its hot.

If I'm planning a hard ride during the day. generally I eat normally. 1 hr before ride I have a Liquid wheetbix type drink. and then 1 bananna about 40 min before start. and then as described before.

As far as hydration goes. on a normal 22deg or under. I take water if the ride is longer than 80min. on a really hot day. 1L per hr. If its an epic. you need to plan to refill somewhere

If I'm doing a hotlap around MD , on top of the liquid wheetbix & bananna I do take a sports gel 15 min before take off but I take no water or spare tube or anything with me. just ride hard, make sure your bike is in good shape, correct pressures & chain is lubed. If anything breaks. I walk a man. LOL with a broken bike.

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