You are hereNot bad, considering ...

Not bad, considering ...

hawkeye's picture

By hawkeye - Posted on 01 January 2013

1 Jan 13

Considering the temperature today (low 30s) and the humidity, still feeling smashed from the weekend's spin class efforts, and that this was the first lap where I'm still riding conservatively checking out the track condition, not unhappy with 43:50.

The second was was a dead loss, though, temperature had risen and got to me and I had nothing left in the tank. Sticking out tongue Gave up on the idea of a third after coming to the top of Cootamundra Drive.

I reckon I'm going to have to make spin classes a regular part of my event build-up this year.

StanTheMan's picture

at our age....low thirties (in Temprature) youre not helping yourself. LOL.

hawkeye's picture

I've raced in 42 degrees at Yellowmundee - now that was hot!

Providing you don't go too hard on the slow climbs, and stay well hydrated, low 30s is manageable, especially riding bareback.

I'm thinking the Camelbak actually makes things a lot harder when it's hot - I could probably stretch to two laps a bottle If I wasn't sweating so much.

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