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Squeaky shimano disc brakes

Im sure this has been asked many times before but a decent look through the forum didnt find anything recent.
I have shimano XT disc brakes which wont stop squeaking,
I have cleaned the rotors and changed the pads, which worked for a few weeks, then the squeaking gradually came back, I recently changed the tyres and now the squeaking is worse than ever.
I have realigned the brakes, but made no difference.
Im planning on going out for a decent ride and jsut putting up with the noise to see if they will sort themselves out.
but do you guys have any tips for getting rid of this?
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Get them hot and get then dirty
That limestone trail stuff in open spaces is perfect for it
- sand back the pads (works well with organic pads)
- sand back the disc (don't worry, it's hard to wreck it, just use strong and square sanding block)
- use disc brake cleaner on disc and pads
- bed the brakes in properly (hard to do without a hill or a car)
- don't 'drag' the brakes when riding (drag=security blanket braking - doesn't slow you down but makes you feel better). This removes pad material that has transferred to the disc and this can cause increased noise (where disc is free of pad material on disc surface)
- use organic pads instead of sintered pads (caution - organics are more exe and wear quicker)
- toast the pads and rotors over a gas flame (stove works well - ensure other half is not around). This burns off any grease, oil etc which also cause noise.
How? Youtube search some of the above terms and you'll have a video of someone telling you how to do it. Also, search tech teusday's archive. They have a good article on why discs make noise and how to deal with it.
Hi Chris,
Any chance of creating a forum that deals with bike repairs? I know there's a gear forum but it isn't devote to fixing stuff and the title isn't obvious at first sight. Maybe call it "Repairs and Maintenance" or "Bike Servicing, Repairs and Maintenance"?
Might help riders find answers to age old problems, especially if we could
'sticky' some posts of problems that always come up - like squeaky brakes, squeaky BB's and squeaky partners who don't let you ride when you want.
Hi Strongbow,
Shimano brakes aren't particularly prone to squealing, unlike Avids! When they do, its usually a sign that the pads/rotors have been contaminated with oil. This can be external - over enthusiastic cleaning/lubrication of the drivetrain splashing the rotors, or internal - hydraulic fluid leaking from the brakes themselves.
There was a batch of M785 brakes in 2011/12 that had badly crimped hoses, and fluid was leaking from the banjo fitting onto the pads - so I'd check that first if your brakes are from that era. Another cause could be a worn or dirty piston seal - I've got that on my SLX at the moment, and my rear brake squeals like a banshee for the first ten minutes of a ride until the oil burns off, and then returns again for the next ride. You can't get new seals for Shimanos, so I've got a replacement caliper on its way to me (only $40 so not so bad)!
If its brake fluid contamination, you should notice trail dust collecting where the leak is, dark rings on the rotor instead of a shiny metal surface, and the oil level in the master cylinder of the offending brake being lower than the other one.
I run avids and when I changed wheels and went to centrelok rotors all the noises disappeared.
I doubt if you would go to the trouble of changing to centrelok but am curious as to whether others feel centrelok's are quieter and the disks less inclined to warp.
Hi Martin,
Great Idea and one which I had been hoping I could do once I get all my access and so on sorted. Stay tuned and I will get a question to the site host manager and work out how to create a new forum for that.
Cheers Chris
I've got both brands of rotor across different wheelsets all on IS 6 bolt hubs and the Avid rotors are more prone to going out of true.
My shimano brakes only squeal when wet or contaminated with lube or WD40 overspray (use on pedals to keep action from getting clogged). You can tell when they are contaminated - lots of noise and no change in speed! I cover brakes with clean rags now.
I have run both centerlock and 6 bolt in the same alloy center shimano rotor design, the braking surface is identical. No difference in noise or performance. It's simply a different means of attatchment.
I agree, Hawkeye, Shimano alloy centered rotors are heaps less prone to warping and noise when compared to Avids.
Also, the idea of clean rags over the rotors during storage is an excellent one. I've been doing that on my race bikes that don't see regular action. Makes such a difference.
To the OP, if your shimano brakes are squealing, as said, it's contamination. You can clean the rotors, but make sure you put new pads in, don't bother with cleaning pads. Once they are stuffed, they are stuffed. If it's minimal contamination and they haven't been used contaminated, then you can save them. But for the price, just get some new ones.
thanks for the replies,
I tried a few things, like a bit of dirt and water, but nothing worked, but it looks like there is a leak from the brake. so its in with bike addition at the moment, so probably a whole new brake.