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OMV Maintenance Day 06 April 2013 Pics

A big up to all the peeps (approx 20) who turned up in the rain yesterday to help out with some major earthworks and build work on the South Side trail. Tonnes of rocks and in-fill were moved to reinforce 4 key areas. Pics uploaded (sorry about iPhone quality) but you get an idea of the work completed.
Next official maintenance day is Sat 4 May 2:00pm. All welcome even if it's for an hour or two.
Pics from top down:
• Berm extension and re-grading (Blue trail)
• Tree roots now protected resulting in a new jump with widened berm on approach (Blue trail)
• Same section, different view (Blue trail)
• Glass now covered up at Split rock. Berm just in from of tree to be added plus better drainage. (Black Spur)
• Log rollover now less of a rollover, widened with less erosion (Blue trail)
• Black / Blue junction berm build and re-grading (Blue trail)
[Mod. moved to Sydney (North)]
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