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Lithgow Draft Tourism Strategy
To all stakeholders,At its meeting of 18 March 2013, Council resolved to place on public exhibition the Draft Tourism Strategy/Destination Management Plan for a period of 28 days. Tourism Advisory Committee is now recommending to Council we extend for another 14 days due to the exhibition period being on during Easter break and School holidays
If adopted the Strategy will provide a Strategic Planning Framework, including the vision and directions for coordinating tourism development in the local government area, and the strategies and actions to develop and manage the destination and facilitate growth.
The Draft Strategy is available for viewing at Council’s Administration Building, the Lithgow Visitor Information Centre, the Lithgow Library Learning Centre, Wallerawang Library, Portland Library and the Council website
As your business is a stakeholder in delivering the actions for the Strategy we would appreciate if you could take the take to view the strategy and provide any feedback or comments.
Written submissions are to be addressed to the General Manager and marked "Submission on Draft Tourism Strategy" must be received by 4pm on 10 May 2013 to be considered in the finalisation of the strategy.
If you have any questions please let me know
Kellie Barrow | Tourism Manager
Lithgow Visitor Information Centre | LITHGOW CITY COUNCILPH (02) 63503 230 | FAX (02) 6350 3239 | MOB 0417 289 745
I'm preparing a response on behalf of the club but if anyone wants to have a look over the draft and have a say as an individual please do so. Maybe adding how often you riding in Lithgow, why you come: racing, practice, fun, unique terrain option... what you'd spend on a visit...
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Oh and what infrastructure you'd like, signage and the like