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Which would you choose ?

Hi people, looking at purchasing a second hand 29" dually (they need a good home). At the moment I have a choice between;
1 x Giant Anthem 2011 model
1 x Specialised Epic Comp Carbon 2012 model
Currently riding an Orbea 26' Hardtail. Which I find is great, so do I need a dually ? Anyway, I digress.
Any input/knowledge would be appreciated.
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If I assume the condition of both are the same, being a Spec Epic rider myself I would say go that one.
I can only comment on the Anthem, it will most likely crack soon if it has not already ( I have spot checked a few now on the trails and shown the owners cracks by the shock mounts) and you won't have warranty as the 2nd owner so steer clear of that.
At the convict last weekend I chatted to the Manly cycles guys, just after showing one guy his was cracked, his mate came in with his seat tube cracked, both 2011 models. The guys camped next to me both had warranty replacements and I have had 2 now.
I currently ride a 2010 Anthem 26 inch and will probably buy an epic 29er as my next bike. I rode a friend's epic and was impressed how well the brain rear shock works. The anthem is good but the epic is better.
I ride a 2011 epic comp carbon and they are fantastic. Cant fault the bike it is super fast compared to my enduro. cant comment on the anthem though
is this the same bike here?
to me obmal, wow the value of asking questions first. I hadn't heard of any prob's with Giants.
Onto the Specialised Epic, I have been told that I would be better off going for the Camber, more forgiving, (what ever that means), given the type of riding I'm doing, eg Mont 24, Convict 100, Careflight, Terrey Hills. My point of view is that one would adapt to the bike your on ... eventually.
Thanks for the feed back everyone.
Those rides you mention is perfect for the Epic.
I've ridden both and own an Epic, so that's what I recommend. I also own a 26er Epic, so I am totally biased, but they are a great bike and my 29er carbon is just as nimble as my 26er.
i have done the mont 24hr & careflight on my epic and it was the perfect bike for them way better than my enduro. Anything with more than four inch travel for those events is overkill. too much weight and you wouldnt use the full travel so its a waste.
I tried a camber out & found the front was heayy like the Anthem , so I would probably looking into the epic as I was going to buy one myself a few years ago too , but i'm throwing a curveball out there as i'm riding a Scott 29er & love it .
everyone, the bike has just been sold to another punter, damn. Ah well, win some ...... back to the interweb.
Now I cant get Specialised out of my head.
Not sure how that happened but wrong thread.
You could go and test one this weekend. I'm not sure how you register though