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NPWS Release of docos for public exhibition (AND COMMENT)

Got this in an e mail from the Dept of Environment this week:
"The Metro North East Region of National Parks and Wildlife Service currently have a number of documents on public exhibition. I invite you to examine the documents and make comment on matters of interest to you.
If you are part of an organisation that would also be interested in these documents I would ask that you forward this email to the appropriate person for distribution to members. The documents on exhibition are:
* The Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park plan of management amendment
* The Marramarra National Park plan of management amendment
* The Garigal National Park plan of management amendment
* Review of Environmental Factors (REF) relating to a proposal for a new mountain bike track in the Bantry Bay section of Garigal National Park.
All documents can be found at and comments close on Monday 15th July 2013. Documents are also being exhibited at the Bobbin Head Information Centre (Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park), the OEH’s Goulburn Street customer centre (Level 14 Goulburn Street Sydney) and a number of local libraries (phone the Bobbin Head Information Centre on 9472-8949 for more information).
The full plans of management can be found at"
Looks like another round of public consultation where it would be desirable for mtb supporters to add their voice. Log in and offer a mtb-supportive comment today!
[Mod. moved to NSW for more coverage]
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Comment added.
The plans look good, It'll be a great addition to Manly Dam.
On the front page of Nobmob, fairly important?
Last day today, please make a comment by 5pm