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Urgent - Technical error havoc for NPWS Bantry Bay comments

Hi all,
I just received this. Please try again.
"The Metro North East Region of National Parks and Wildlife Service currently have a number of documents on public exhibition. The date for submissions has been extended to Friday 19th July 2013.
If you have not already I would invite you to examine the documents and make comment on matters of interest to you.
Due to some technical issues submission made between Tuesday 25th June and Monday 8th July on the webpage have not been received. When making your submission during this time it should have resulted in a rejection of the submission or failure to receive successful acknowledgement. The matter has now been resolved and I would ask that people try again if you submitted during this period.
Successful submissions should have resulted in the following message:
The documents on exhibition are:
The Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park plan of management amendment
The Marramarra National Park plan of management amendment
The Garigal National Park plan of management amendment
Review of Environmental Factors (REF) relating to a proposal for a new mountain bike track in the Bantry Bay section of Garigal National Park.
All documents can be found at and comments close on FRIDAY 19th JULY 2013. Documents are also being exhibited at the Bobbin Head Information Centre (Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park), the OEH’s Goulburn Street customer centre (Level 14 Goulburn Street Sydney) and a number of local libraries (phone the Bobbin Head Information Centre on 9472-8949 for more information).
The full plans of management can be found at"
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Needs to be on first page
I did mine outside the dates you mentioned and never got a confirmation email
My comments are now submitted. Looks like a couple more days to get more in for those who have not made a submission yet.