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6 Ring Circus

Decided to do both the night and day version this year and camp out at the event centre. Good to be in the thick of the circus event centre vibe, though I'm getting bit old for extended periods of techno beats....
Went OK on the night lap at 1:15, despite shoulder charging a tree in the sniggle, but the combination of tired legs, probably too much red wine with dinner and an average night's sleep on the ground meant I felt I struggled badly on the yellow loop the next day. Those hills are my natural enemy.... A 3:28:02 was a few minutes slower than last year, even though conditions were better.
Thanks to Cranks Chatswood for a loaner rear wheel after a late decision that I needed some work on the rear hub last week. Thanks also to my nephew for trashing the rear derailleur hanger on my spare bike that I lent him..... Anyone know where to source a hanger for a Bianchi Jab???
Looking forward to the Back Yamma and the lack of hills out there....
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You're a brave man Lach doing both - I can't imagine facing the morning race with fatigue in the legs. Well done.
Thanks, JP, but I don't think there was much bravery involved!
A few rookie errors put me behind last year's time. Probably would have gone better if I'd remembered to pack my skins to assist with leg recovery, if I hadn't sat up until late talking BS and drinking too much red wine (too much for a pre-race night anyway). I obviously don't have Gazza's powers of recovery (or his talent or his pared-down physique for that matter). Dragging 100+kg up over 1200m of climbing in 50 kms is not my strength and I don't need any further handicapping.
Even the Wingello sniggle, while good fun to ride, is hard to race as a big bloke on a big bike - lots of little pinches and sharp direction changes and narrow tree gaps.....
I agree, a good recovery is crucial. protein shakes, skins, a bottle of red!
I must admit to not sleeping well. Not because I was uncomfortable, it was me getting up four times to pee after all the water I drank before bedtime to counteract the wine I'd consumed!!!!