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Western Sydney Parklands update

Latest news on mtb trails in the Western Sydney Parklands from Yoland Gil at the WSP Trust:
"Hi All
At the Trust we have been busy doing further design work on the proposed MTB Trail in the Western Sydney Parklands and determining the capital works budget for the next five years.
The good news is that the Trust is progressing with the design and construction of a MTB Trail at Cecil Hills (Just off Elizabeth Drive adjacent to Sydney International Shooting Centre). You may remember that this was one of the locations that we were getting Dirtz to consider as a MTB Trail. Their works confirmed this location as the best location for the MTB trail for casual use and in event mode. The Trail will be about 12 km in length and allow for events to be conducted by third parties. The Trust Board supported the location and committed to constructing the Trail this financial year. This will also achieve one of our key objectives and actions in the Western Sydney Parklands Plan of Management 2020.
Brett Barnes from Dirtz has assisted the Trust in getting together a MTB trail for the area and we are now finalising the design for the entrance, car parking and facilities to support the Trail. Ray Rice assisted Brett in identifying the route for the Trail on this site early this year. It is expected that the Trust will start works on actual construction early next year with the opening of the Trail by end of June/early July 2014. This is a great project as it introduces a new recreational activity to the Parklands and starts to open up more of the southern section of the Parklands to the community.
I'm happy to meet further to discuss the details but at this stage I thought I would update on progress and tell you the good news that the Trust is committing budget to getting a MTB Trail built in the Parklands. "
This is great news! We are so looking forward to having a great public mtb facility in Sydney. Western Sydney MTB Club hope to run a grand opening event there.
Ray Rice
[email protected]
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and all those involved directly and indirectly. Looking forward to having another purpose built facility to ride (and race)!
Well done Ray, awesome news for the MTB community
Great work Ray. Look forward to cruising around there.
Great news for Western Sydney and another enhancement to the park lands.Job well done by all.
Was going to talj to you at the race yesterday but got side track to all that was happening.
Hi Ray,
Great work. I recently dusted off my MTB and headed out to the WSP and was struck by how suitable it is for a purpose built trail ride that is within easy reach. I was on the point of writing to the Parklands Authority when I stumbled across your efforts and I'm really encouraged that things have progressed so far. Kudos to the Council for recognising the local benefits.
Can't wait until it's ready!
Is this going in the area where the Olympics were held or on the western side of the M7 ? Closer towards the shooting range , the shooting range that I remember is across from the tip ?
Other side of the M7 smiley
Yes - west of M7, and south of Elizabeth Drive. Entrance and trail head will be on the eastern side of the road down to the shooting centre.
There's a great area there which has been replanted back in 2000 I think. Some good slopes below the hill with the water tower and aerials on it - on the northern and western slopes. It lends itself to nice flowing tracks. Possible loops of 3, 6, and 12km - and room for expansion.
This is exciting!
Hi Ray,
I just stumbled across this, and being from Western Sydney, this is exciting news. Seeing the construction going on with the entry at Plough & Harrow, I would just like to know if there has been any traction with the MTB trail proceeding?
Spoke to Ray on the weekend, its happening and I can't wait
The trail is not going to be at Plough & Harrow. It will be built next to the Gun club which is found on the other side of the M7.
Its going to be built in 2 stages, a 5km loop and then a second 5km loop added on. They are also looking at some cross linking tracks to provide Alternative loop variations for race days.
Lunchtime/After-work rides Tim!
Most definitely
Thanks for the update. I've been MTB riding for just under a year, and have realised the potential Sydney's south western suburbs has for trails. I've started a social group on Facebook called "Western Sydney Parklands MTB Club" Feel free to join. I will be placing up a timetable soon for people who are interested in trailing through some of the walking / riding tracks WSP's has. With the construction of the trail newar the gun club, it should introduce more people from this local area. Please join and share.
Bruno, this Saturdays event may be of interest to you. Mowbary Farm park track offical opening
It's located in Sydneys south west.
Thanks Tim, I may just check it out. Are you going down?
Planning to