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Used Trance x1

Thoughts about this bike? Is it a good deal? Im looking to get a second hand FS bike on a budget.
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If so it's a good bike.
Looks like plenty of rust on the moving parts, unless it's bull dust from the red centre. Chainrings, FD, RD and chain all look to be in poor condition. If they are you'll be up for another $300-600 if you swap out the crankset
From the look of it, the frame is a 2008(correct me if I'm wrong). Not bad but things have moved on. What are you looking to do on it?
Personally I don't think it's worth it. This one below is far closer to the mark. Have a look on Rotorburn also, there are always nice bikes coming up on there.
As mentioned above, depends on your size. It definitely will NOT suit anyone in the vicinity of 5'10" (178cm).
It is a pretty old bike by the look of it (2008 or 2009), and I'm not sure I believe his "only 300km old" statement - unless he's talking about the components directly below that and even then it's a bit of a stretch. Tyres look pretty shot (see picture of FD and RD and look for the sidewall wear) and the chainrings I would certainly guesstimate "just a tad" more than 300km by the look of them (i've got the exact same set of rings in 46-34-26 on my XTC HT commuter than has seen a whole heck of a lot more than 300km and look better than those).
Depends how negotiable he is? The Maestro system is still a nice ride that hasn't really changed, so if you can pick it up for $800 or so and it fits, not such a bad option.
Yeah I am actually 6'3' so need a larger size. I bought a trek 4500 for $120 to start mountain bike riding at places like manly dam and the cascades, but it doesnt really cope with some of the stuff I want to do and shakes me to bit when hitting some rough trails at speed. Everyone seems to lean towards the FS 29 inch bikes so just entertaining the idea of an upgrade. The trance seems pretty popular.
6'3" would be a good fit for that bike. It's a 26'er though, in case you weren't aware.
How's your mechanical knowledge? I ask as judging by the location in the Ad, the bike would only be around the corner from me. If you wanted/needed someone to look at the bike with you and make sure (as much as one can without stripping it) that the bearings are free from play, fork & shock bushings are OK, hubs, chain-stretch, etc and all of that stuff, let me know and I'd be happy to cast an eye over it.
Only, of course, if the guy is willing to negotiate significantly. Being aware of any mechanical fun before committing is always good!
Seller hasn't put a lot of effort into presentation.
There's accumulated dust in the frame cutouts near the rear derailleur. While the rear derailleur is a late model "Shadow" unit the spring is extremely rusty if you bother to look. I'd say its been left unloved for a few years in a cold garage where moisture and condensation has been absorbed into the accumulated dirt and rusted the steel parts. Chain and other ferrous parts show similar neglect. I'd guess it wasn't cleaned after the last ride and he hasn't really been bothered to clean it properly even now.
Inspect, work out what reconditioning might cost and make a suitable offer. If it offends, so much the better ... poor neglected bike!
Yeah its a 26 which is a shame, I really need to take a 29 for a spin to feel the difference. I am in lane cove so the bike is pretty close to me too.
I might go have a look at it this w/e sometime, but will have to do my research and try a few bikes before commiting to anything, and yeah it looks like it has been neglected for a while there are a few rusty parts..