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Heart rate monitors - accuracy question

Hi there
I have recently bought a cheap heart rate monitor/cycle computer from eBay (oh no, sounds bad already doesn't it?) and I reckon the thing is wildly out. If I measure my resting pulse it's about 60bpm but the HRM says it's about 90 and bounces around quite a lot. The seller is telling me there is nothing wrong with it and in fact you can't measure using a watch and a fingers technique, that the device is far more accurate. I wonder if anyone with experience of these devices could help me out?
Firstly, how accurate should they be? Can you measure manually using your watch and wrist/neck and get comparable results?
Secondly, if anyone is up for a ride sometime so I could compare devices and perhaps video the difference it might get me some leg way to get my cash back and get a decent one.
The device is wireless and straps around the chest and talks to the cycle computer mounted on the bars.
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a good hrm will be much more accurate than trying to measure your pulse. Is is a cheap one? If it is fluctuating wildly you may be getting some electrical interference.
Your pulse can be measured extremely accurately when resting by using a watch. I used to measure mine regulary and used to get the same figure with in 1-2 beats per minute, at the same time of day and couch position.
With the strap on the HRM try moving it to different spots on your chest, also try tightening it and a little moisture helps the contact work better (sweat normally) if that doesn't help ask for a refund.
you get what you pay for and i agree with john that the old nurses method is very accurate. i guess that you've probably tried(as most of us do) to save yourself some cash and gone for a cheaper model with a crap transmiter/reciever. if youre gonna spend the cash, try and save a few bucks on looking around for a reputable product and dont think youre getting a bargain just because something from a company you've never heard of is cheap as chips. youre better off saving and spending twice as much on something that actually works and lasts a few years than something thats crap and you have to replace a few times before you actually find the right product!
Thanks guys.
I have been asking for a refund but the seller is refusing to acknowledge the problem, saying that using a watch and hand is not accurate enough, and that all heart rates are between 60 and 90 regardless of what you are doing (if you could read some of the emails!).
This is why I need proof...
Such a sad saga for only $50 but it's the principle of the thing
or is that just marketing crap?
At the end of the day mate $50 isn't that expensive a lesson if it saves you more next time.
Good luck
JFTR thats absolute crap that heart rates are between 60 and 90 regardless of what you're doing and as for the watch, if it was good enough for widespread use throughout the medical fraternity "when done properly" up until about 15 years ago then I would suggest it is reasonably accurate. Try this, put the monitor on, go for a short ride till you feel you've raised your HR. By now your pulse will be much stronger and therefore easier to find and count. Stop, get off and count / time it and compare this to what the monitor says.
Before you go tossing it away.......
Try replacing the batteries. My Polar started playing up around cxmas and I was thinking of tossing it, but when I cahnged the batteries, it was good as new.
New batteries is a lot less than a new HRM!
worst case scenario keep a look out on torpedo 7 for the union xt heart rate monitor/speedo combo, very accurate, bloody good and i picked mine up for 30 something bucks reduced from 190 or something and it has been up a few times ive noticed on the site...
as for standard rate, mines usually more like 150 odd when lightly excercising, and 170/180 when heavily so i think yours sounds hella wrong! thinking about it, 60 a minute is 1 beat per second, thats slooooow!
You need to calm down a bit! That's not slow if you're sitting down resting. If I recall correctly big Mig (Indurain) used to have a resting heart rate of something ridiculous like 20... maybe a slight exaggeration... roadie freak ;-}
Cheers for the comments guys
My resting heart rate is around 60, my max. and training rates I am still trying to work out but probably around 160-180 at a guess. I have replaced one of the batteries but will try the other 2 as well.
Thanks for the union xt recommendation too, not heard of torpedo 7, will investigate.
Ahhhh... good 'old T7. I still think you get what you pay for, but they do have some good bargains.
As for the guy in eBay, think Stuart is right, if new batteries and a bit of moisture doesn't fix that one follow the eBay dispute process and give the guy some poor feedback.
FWIW, they have finally got a referral system going so if you use the T7 link on our links page then a little something will end up in the NoBMoB beer fund. Cheers!
It's unfortunate to blow your doh, Dylan (which I've done plenty of times), but I think a HR monitor (I assume new) that is even close to accurate for $50 is a bit optimistic. Ebay is full of cheap junk and you really need to have had a look in a shop or read reviews online to know the product you are buying. If the item just plain doesn't work, then you should expect a replacement. But it sounds like it works, just not accurately.
The problem with leaving neg. feedback on ebay (particularly in a situation where the product is cheap and it works, it's just not accurate which is open to argument) is that the seller can then leave negative feedback for you. This then makes people think twice about dealing with you.
There's a large amount of 'let the buyer beware' with ebay. I've seen some items from name brands that I thought were a bargain, and after a bit of research found they were the low end garbage. But I've also saved a lot of money on good OEM products as well.
I would go for the Union that Alex suggested, and put this one down to experience.
My 2c anyhoo.
I Completely agree with all you say about buying cheap buying twice.. I actually bought this device for the other functions, speed, total distance etc. To help me train with for the upcoming Dirt Works but even the speed stopped working the other day in the wet (the unit is supposed to be water proof).
In any case, it was a gamble that didn't pay off, and as you say it's not a huge amount to loose. I will try replacing the batteries again and see if that makes any difference. The unit is certainly prone to electrical interference though, it shows I am doing 20kph sitting at my desk. Now that's an easy way to stay fit
My gym has heart rate sensors on most of the exercise bikes that seem pretty accurate. Would be a good way to compare yours.
I bought the on-special Echowell Ruby 100 HRM from T7 when they had it on special at $35, down from the usual 50-odd. The first one didn't work, so they took it back no questions asked.
The second one has been pretty good. I don't know how accurate it it, but the results are at least consistent (so I guess you would call that *precise*), whihc is good enough to use for HR zone training. It is occasionally subject to interference and gives me 1/2 x actual or 2 x actual at certain points on my route, but this is my only whinge. I think the mobile phone is the likely culprit.
If you want to do a comparison to fix this turkey, you're welcome to PM me and we can tee something up over the weekend. I'll need it back for Monday to pace myself on the commute - I'm an enthusiastic old fart beginner with a tendency to overtrain myself to the point of being useless at work the following day .
just if you dont know, or havent sorted out your situation yet, the union is on special now for 38 bucks at torpedo 7
[Ed. He means: ]
Looks like a nice unit. Cheap too.
Kathmandu sell HRMs for c$50. I've bought two (me plus my GF) and they both work fine. Simple functions but covers my needs.