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St Ives sniggle

A can of worms about to be opened perhaps? But a few questions about the sniggles parallel with Mona Vale Rd between the Wild Flower Garden and Forest Way turn-off:
1. Are these trails legal?
2. Who is/are the landholder(s)
3. Who built these tracks?
4. If legal, can I help maintain them? If not, then I don't want to be caught trespassing!
Over to the brains trust...
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches Trail Advocacy]
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AFAIK a lot of this is on Crown Land which means it doesn't have the protection/restriction a lot of land in the area does. Ie. National Parks.
Aside from that... no comment
Section from Showgrounds to Forest Way is authorized horse trail. Given that NPWS banning of bikes on walking tracks is predicated on them being classed as veh8cles, and horses also fit that classification, NPWS would i think have to execute some regulatory gymnastics to keep unmotorised bikes out of the the section s that fall on their land, instead of taking a default position based on existing rules.
The section from Wildflower Garden to SHowgrounds appears to be on some kind of utilities easement so until the present bulldozing is finished we're okay I think.
Im not sure about the new loop past the golf course.
That said NPWS appears to have taken a position of using a lighter touch since the adoption of the new cycling policy. It is cheaper for them to adapt and use existing trails.
Existing usage patterns will be used to determine demand and this includes unauthorized trails. So for now I am happy to use the trails wherever they are. Just don't get caught on NPWS sections. You can still be fined if they choose and the amounts aren't trivial.
Where are the NPWS sections? No idea.