You are hereBetter but not great

Better but not great

Flying Scotsman's picture

By Flying Scotsman - Posted on 03 December 2013

3 Dec 13

Ok so it's still slow but I'm new to this! I feel my bike may be letting me down a bit....and my heart, lungs, leg muscles and hand cramps Sad but it's around 8 minutes quicker than my last attempt but that could be due to not falling off and having to gather my senses like last time. Also I did a few laps of old mans valley first up!

Loving it, new bike soon I hope.... Does Santa have a mobile number? Smiling

andyfev's picture

Great improvement. Stick with it and you'll be nudging a 40 min lap soon enough Eye-wink

obmal's picture

great stuff, keep it up.

I think a lot of speed around a place like the dam comes from good technique and line selection, sure you need to get up the hills, but fighting the bike through bumps, not committing on descents and not getting the right line on the corners can burn up a lot more time than you would think.. getting all that time back basically comes for free if you can pick the correct line.

I'm terrible at picking the better lines.

pancakes's picture

I have it on good authority that Santa can be reached on 0414CREDIT.

kitttheknightrider's picture

I believe he even has his own line of bikes called "Cruz"

Flying Scotsman's picture

I will get better!

It's true about taking the right line I try to do it differently every time and sometimes I have to hop off cause I've lost momentum or I'm just too dam scared! But I need to get my cardio health up a bit.

To me credit is for cars and homes only.

Thanks for moral boosters! We should organise a Christmas get together on the trail so we can all meet each other Eye-wink

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