Just a quick question, is it ok for me to store my bikes upside down? Im a bit worried about fork stanchions not getting any oil and my hydro brakes getting air bubbles moving around?
For that matter is it ok to store vertically aswell?
Not ideal. Acidic impurities in the air in your forks and tires will settle at the top and bottom, and contaminate the oil, and perish the rubber seals and inner tube/tire.
Fine to store it any way.
In fact, forks can like being upside down as oil soaks into the seals rather than draining out of them, but its really not important.
Biggest thing i'd be worried about is dust.
Sounds good.
I reckon you might have something there Jono, with the bubbles in the brake system. Might pay to ask a mechanic (Don't forget to buy him a beer...)
They do say however that if you turn your bike upside down, you should compress your fork a few times before tearing off, to return the oil to the proper chamber.
yeah ive heard that before. I need to go to the lbs soon anyway so i think it might be worth asking them.
Thought i would just give you guys a chance to 'flex' your knowledge muscles
@Mez... you freaked me out man!!! For a second I was considering tearing home to get my bike down!
No issues and seems to be good seal wise as they get soaked with oil.
As has been said pump the fork a few times before riding. Two things seem to happen depending on fork. A few bubbles initially stop the damper from doing its thing and the fork tops out. The other again is damping and you can hear bubbles sorting themselves out.
Brakes, haven't had an issue unless already low on oil. A few pumps seems to sort it out.
Hey Simon, Stop flexing your cerebral muscles! You're making the rest of us look lame People will think you're on brain cell steroid
It's all the extra protein we've been making him ingest on night rides
Is that Arachno-protein, you're referring to?
What some people will do to beat their mates...
Avid brakes caused a few headaches when putting my bike upside down, or even front wheel up for longer than a few minutes. Levers would go to the bars. Probably needed to bleed them again (again), but once the bike was upright again they'd take a little time and all would be good again.