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Poor bloke

To the poor bloke who had a nasty stack at the big drop off on manly dam tonight I hope your ok. Few fellow bikers already there and paramedics. I had to stop and offer help it just didn't feel right to just leave especially as he was in a stretcher and neck brace. Anyhow I hope your ok.
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches]
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A big thankyou to you, the bloke first on scene,all the riders who stopped to help and the ambos and firemen(?) who carried me out. Spent the night at RNSH but home in maroubra now.
Few facial fractures but necks OK just couple of nights off work with concussion.
Cheers matt
Wish u a speedy recovery
Glad your ok Matt, hope you recover well and quick. Bike ok? See you out there soon, stay upright!
Glad to hear you're Ok. Hope you heal fast and are back on the bike soon.
This sounds like "19th Hole" on the Allambie side of the park?
G'Day Matt, hope you have a speedy recovery mate. I love my mountain biking but like most, can't afford to injure myself and be off work. I try to stay focused and learn from my past mistakes to avoid or minimize the amount of crashes I have. Hope you don't mind me asking, but I was wondering why or how you came off the bike. I love to push myself and try new things,jumps/drops etc, but I always find that fatigue is the number one reason for my stacks and it's usually on a part of the trail that's not necessarily difficult. Cheers.
Road bike around Centennial park all the riding been doing for long time.1st time on a MTB in 6 months so fatigue probably played a part, pretty sure I chose the right line but didn't hold it. Bike survived ok, thanks again.
Manly Dam can be unforgiving of concentration lapses and fatigue induced fails in bike control. Sometimes it only takes small mistakes.
The good news is there are lots of other fun places to ride very close by that don't bite beginners so hard.
Cascades, Terrey Hills, St Ives, etc. Have a crack at searching the trails database.
When you're up for a ride again (hopefully soon) let us know by starting a thread and some of us will tag along to show you around.
Glad to hear you are not too banged up, you made the Manly Daily and so did the young local girls who showed the rescue crew a quicker way out for you, well done girls! If you ride a moutain bike, invevitably there will be a fall sooner or later. I'm 53 with 4 kids so cant afford to get smacked around too much. I ride super cautious and as a result I ride fairly slowly and I dont mind pulling over when I can hear riders coming up from behind. I came off up at Kiwarrack a few weeks ago and did my rotator cuff, slowly getting back into riding now, even if its a a snails pace I still get a buzz!