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Cascades Downhill Ouch!

Went for a quick and easy ride around Cascades. I often go out for a 35-40 minute 10k loop, and leave pump, phone at home. I thought my front tyre was a bit low, probably just under 20 psi (tubeless), it has a slow leak, and been a while since I topped with Stans, but thought I would take it easy.
Went in from Ralston, enjoying the scenery at slow pace, then stepped it up. Got past the sandy downhill corner into the steep drop into concrete/creek bend. I went a bit too close to the concrete edge and put on Front brakes and pulled bars left and the front end wiped out at speed.
The bike went down flat at 45 degree angle to track and I went flying in slow motion. I thought "this is gunna hurt". My head and left shoulder hit the dirt/rocks hard, and slid a bit on shoulder, head, forearm, leg.
I was lying there, and I could see a yabbie in the big puddle. I thought that was unusual. My shoulder was hurting bad, but not broken I think. I got up. Front tyre had totally blown. Bike seemed okay. Big grazes on leg and arm, bit of blood.
4km's from home, and no phone, no pump, and all up hill and hurting bad. Walked up to Ralston and home. By the time I got home the rear had also gone flat.
I am not sure what happened. I guess I must have burped the front tyre on the concrete when I swerved and broke, which wiped out the bike. And maybe did something to the back.
I pumped up the tyres at home and have a massive hole in the front. So maybe a rock pierced it and then threw me. Maybe I was losing air rapidly when I hit the concrete.
Anyway I think I am pretty lucky. Ive got an icepack on my shoulder, and it hurts when I cough, and my leg and arm are nasty. But I don't think I broke anything. Helmet certainly took a big knock.
Cascades downhill is not a good place to lose the front end. Next time I will pump up my tyre before I leave and carry phone and pump and spare tube. Ive been getting too complacent lately.
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches]
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Hope you repair well, I have blown a tyre on the concrete there. I remember a piece of rio sticking out that pierced the tyre.
Always bring a phone is my motto.
Sorry to hear that mate. Yeah, complacency bites in this sport.
I'm off the bike at the moment for the same reason. Chose a spectacular bad moment to scratch my nose and am still nursing dodgy lateral knee ligaments and little finger. Basically thrown away all my fitness gains from the last 3-4 months due to getting complacent.
Hope you're feeling better soon and no lasting damage.
More importantly though, how's the bike
If your shoulder needs some attention, I recommend Malcolm Browne. He's a physio at the SAH clinic in Wahroonga.
He's no stranger to shoulders - hope you don't need him!
He's helped me before.
Sorry about that fall - thats a very nasty place to come off. Hope your ok and back on the bike soon.
I also had a slow leak the other day but noticed as i got back from a ride so i quickly ripped my wheels apart and sealed them again - no worries since.
Spent 3 hours at Mona Vale today for X-ray. No breaks or fracture. They thought rotor cuff, and then decided sprained AC joint. 2 weeks should be fine. I think I am extremely lucky. My scabs might take a bit longer. I am very surprised that my back pulled up fine. All the physio and core work must be paying off.
yea Ive come off down the cascades too. hammering downhill OTHB loosing controll over one of those water mark things at serious speed? is that what you call it? Just a split helmet. I consider myself exctreemly lucky. I recon the helmet saved my life.
but I hope you mend quickly, same goes for hawekeye.
First ride back today. Did 30kms up to Terry Hills/Perimeter and back. Riding very tentatively. Almost lost the front on a 3 inch stick that I didn't hop over. Ive done a month of physio. The shoulder still hurts a little and still can't sleep on one side. Its amazing how much work is required on shoulder injuries. Good to get out finally.
Wow and that's a month after the crash - good to hear you're back on the bike. Keep up the Physio and take it easy!
Good to hear you're back riding again. Ease your way back in there's no rush. Let discomfort be your guide - stop if it starts to get sore.
My knee is slowly coming good but the finger is still a limiter. I'll stick the knobbies back on the HT and we'll do a road ride together when I get back from overseas in about 10 days.
West Head?
I did my rotator cuff in January on my last ride up at Kiwarrick and couldnt even lift my arm above my shoulder for 5 weeks, could ride after 1 week though. Long and slow recovery. about 80% now.