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Tentative Pre Convict Training Rides

To complement my Convict 100 training consisting of intervals on the road and exercise bikes, hill reps and other unpleasant things, I‘m trying to get out on several long distance rides before the race, and would like to reward myself by going through some nice country and ride in new places.
Next on the list (other than two recon Wisemans Ferry rides) is ride from Ourimbah to Awaba via Watagan Forest Road. This looks like about 40 or 50km, plus a 10km lap of each singletrack. I did a rogaine in the Watagans and it's a lovely area (though not at the time as I had my legs shredded navigating through the bush!) and am keen to go back so worked out a route to take using a train shuffle.
Obviously, I‘d neex to have at least one person with me, just a quick invite to anyone whose relatively fast (you‘ve seen my race times to compare) and keen, it'd be great to get out there, so send me a PM/comment if interested in it or any of tr other mentioned rides. Won't be out to set any records but want to move along as well
Either way, if you race an MTB at all, you've GOT to be at the Convict, so keep training hard!
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I've contemplated doing this trip for a while now. I've done a fair bit of research between Ourimbah & Awaba, except for Watagan Forest Rd.
My prefered way is to start with a lap of Ourimbah, followed by some tarmac down to Dickson Rd, Turn right at the end of Dickson Rd and follow your nose to Lemon Tree Rd.
This then leads on to some of the best moto/AM single track in the area & leads into Cooranbong / Awaba.
The problem with this route is Lemon Tree Rd. Unless you have 1 month of sunshine, the road is a BOG. Don't bother going there. It's horrible. A bit of mud & adventure may be all smiles in MTB'ing, but this firetrail is truely horrible. (1 month of sunshine will still have lots of mud)
You can miss out Lemon Tree Rd, and follow Mandalong Rd towards Cooranbong, turn left onto Deaves Rd, left onto Sauls Rd and back up the hill into the best trails ever!
Having said all this, I'd love to join you, but I'm afraid that I'd hold you up. I ride a SS for fun, and you are training for a serious race! Enjoy.
Trist, even with all this rain you shouldnt have too many problems riding from Ourimbah - Awaba via Watagan forest Rd....I've ridden WF rd several times its a gravelly/ rocky / smooth fire trail rd .......from ourimbah it would be about 7k to WF rd then its undulating but predominantly uphill for 30k with some steepish climbs v early on ...once on the ridge line its up & down for a furthr 20 k until you reach the turn off to awaba mtb, its a fantastic downhill of about 6-7 k , youll be flying as its reasonably steep, after a lap of Awaba your ride to the train at Morriset is genrally flat & about 10k maybe a bit more ? if you intend to ride back from Awaba the way you came good luck with the climb out ...its a long slog....I would join you but my bike is out of action until further notice + as a 4hrs 30min finisher I'm estimating you'd be a bit fast for me chrischris said avoid Lemontree Rd at all costs !! ( this wont come into play on your intended route) ... its a shit fight in parts.....if you wouuld like any further info on main tracks in the area I'd only be to glad to help...good luck