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Reccomended route for 100km training ride near Sydney?

G'Day Folks,
In prep for the Convict 100, I am keen to get in a long training ride this weekend on biggest hills I can find near Sydney.
Wondering if anyone can recommend somewhere - ideally a route with similar sized hills.
My thoughts so far, Oaks up to gate and back (50km) and repeat to make 100km. Bit boring though. Would appreciate any other ideas?
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You could keep on going at woodford and go up Anderson's or Murphy's (Ingar) that adds another 30ks on
A great training ride would be to link some of the sections of the actual race together. A nice one is start at the kiosk at Wisemans, head across the ferry and turn right and ride up the road for a few K's to the Western Commission Track. Ride this fire road out to Ten Mile Hollow and return, taking the convict road and Sheppards Gully on the way back. Stock up on supplies at your car then he'd across the Webb's Creek (other) ferry, turn right and ride along the road until you hit Webb's Creek Mountain Road/Woomerah Range and practice this climb with some miles in the legs as you will in the race. Fly down Jack's Track then turn right and head back to Wisemans via St Albans. This ride takes in most of the technical or unique sections of the race. All the maps are in the Centeal Coast section of NobMob.
In preparation for last year's (postponed) Husky 100, we rode up Oaks from Glenbrook rangers station to Woodford, Woodford up Ingar's to Queen Vic hospital, down Anderson's and then down Oaks and it was 99.7km all up.
Plenty of climbing, and nice Oaks sniggle as the reward at the end.
Start at Wisemans Ferry, ride the Old North Road all the way to the end at Mogo Campsite. Return back via St Albans (lunch at the pub) on the dirt road - nice and quiet.
All up about 90km.
This is a nice idea.
I know most of this from previous rides and your ideas on how to link them up are great.
We did Great North Road\Ten Mile Hollow last week (turned around after 30km when the trail got a bit wet n' boggy) so it would be good to add Webb's Creek Mountain Road climb this week.
Many thanks for taking the time to explain the route.
I know the Oaks well, but never done Anderson's, I'll definitely check it out, its way closer to me than Wiseman's Ferry so will be a good plan if time is limited at the weekend.
Hope to see you all at the event.
Love the Convict race.. and even more so since we all missed out on the Mont this year.
Start at Acron Oval, St Ives - down Cascades, up Quarry, St Ives sniggle, Ryland Track, down and across to Sandy Trail, cut across via the horse track at the northern end of Killawarra Rd to the end of Boorlalie Rd, Coolamine Track, Long Track out and back, Cowan Track out and back, Perimeter, Centre, Duck Holes / Terry Hills, back to St Ives sniggle via the BMX track and the Forest way trails, back down Quarry, then do as many of the Cascades 4 gates that you've got legs left for.
That'd get you close enough to 100 kms I'd reckon, with plenty of climbing and plenty of sandy rocky sandstone fire trail, just like the Convict.....
My suggestion is to ride up the oaks, then continue onto ingars, around to do andersons and then down the oaks
That could give you about 110KM and a pair of super sore legs.
Oaks/Ingar/Andos/Oaks is probably the most straight forward 100km in the mountains.....
Here is an adventure we at BMORC did a few months ago;
I probably wouldn't recommend that ride as a training ride as the were 2 big sections of hike-a-bike.
As mentioned, have done both and they'd be great training rides. GNR is the obvious choice though, due to it actually being on the C100 course. On the other side of the MacDonald River, there's Womerah Range (the back half of the C100), and I believe if you keep following it, it would make many more kms.
Hope that helps; I agree with all responses as above.
Yep I've followed the Womerah range trail all the way to the end before. It's a nice ride, all fire trail but scenic. I think it ends at Putty Rd. I think it's also about 90km for an out and back. Reasonably hilly but nothing too major.