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Elite Category

In most races I've done there is an Elite category. What governs who race in that category? I was studying the results of the last race and realised many in that category were slower than regular weekend warriors racing in the "normal" age categories.
Are certain riders forced to that group or is it self governed?
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Self nominated.
I've always prefered to come last on elite than sandbag to win sport
Its a very interesting topic, and depends from which end of the lens you look.
Whilst you say "Some elite riders are slower than the 'weekend warriors'", you could also easily say "Some weekend warriors should be racing elite".
Without a points system, its impossible to grade accurately.
Frankly, I'd be happy for there to be no 'Elite' category. Its just all done in age-groups, other than for the fastest three people - who will also win their age category.
Self seeded starts, then everyone just sorts it out on the track.
Unless there is some sort of ranking system where riders are classified as elite it does not make sense. I always thought that was the case until I did some comparison between the various categories and my assumption did not make sense anymore.
I do however appreciate the honesty of many riders who take themselves out of the "normal" age classes and go elite so us hacks can get a delusion of doing better than what we actually do.
Or in the case of the fling, you can simply sign up for 100Mile race and they thus label you "insane category" and as such you don't need to push into the front or even get there early, you just basically turn up before the gun and walk up to the very front with the other silly people.. oh and the Elite's get to start at the very back.
The fling is flinging awesome
.....category as the guys who are sponsored. Not as in they get a free jersey and contribution to race entry from some corporate, but the boys like Anthony who get bikes at cost/free/heavily subsidised prices and who need to commit to a certain number of events etc.
For the rest of us civilians, I think age-group is fair game and if you can regularly take home the 1st or 2nd prize then fair game. For example if I was coming in 1st or 2nd in my age category (dreaming) but would be 15th or 20th in the elite's, why would I move myself to elite? Especially if I am an older person in the 40+ or 50+ category.
Once upon a time they did just have age groups and open.
The open category was pretty big and there was a big difference between beginners/weekend warriors and the serious guys so they split it it into sport and expert.
Sport and expert categories were getting bigger and there was still a big gap between beginners weekend warriors and serious guys. So the split it again with sport aimed at beginners/occassional riders. Expert aimed at weekend warriors and a stepping stone between sport and elite aimed at serious guys with time and drive to train properly
Club racing alway used the more generic A B C and D grade
As for why moving up if you are a regular winning in you age cat. Well age categories are fair game but if you are regularly winning sport or expert by reasonably margins then you're just sand bagging or glory hunting.
Lots of older and younger riders do choose to ride elite even though they are not likely to win. Why? Isn't racing about testing yourself against the best?
Sandbagging is "A tactic used to hide or limit expectations of your strength in order to produce greater than anticipated results". How does this relate to the discussion?
As for glory-hunting....if I was good enough to come first in my age category, and given the value of the total prize is normally around $500 on average, I would happily enjoy my place on the podium and bathe in the glory and my prizes all day long.
That said, I would always compare myself to where the other age category winners and elites came, but moving up to Elite to come 20th and say "I ride Elite" does not sound like an intelligent proposition to me.
Common term in mtb, and other sports, of entering a lower category to get the win rather than battle it out with riders your own level or better. Which is why I added, though poorly typed, "regularly winning sport or expert by reasonable margins"
Purely tongue in cheek and not aimed at you or any one else in particular nor meant as offense.
At club, state and participation event type level self nominating the category you are comfortable with is sensible.
For national level events Age categories are fair game, but I've always thought there should be some from of grading system for sport, expert and elite. The difficulty has always been how to implement it.
Win sport 2 times in the series - have to move up to expert? Post a time that would have come top 10 in elite - automatically get moved up a category?
Start at the front, can get in a good group that are really pushing, also a number of Races will allow Elite riders to deposit bottles the day before at the feeds which is a big advantage I think.
There are some benefits for sure.