You are hereStill can't get up the rock garden
Still can't get up the rock garden

13 Jul 14
Manly Dam - Main Circuit
00:37:40 2 dismounts - both getting up the rock garden.
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Some people might suggest that a B line up these might have been a good idea with all the new track work.
Seen a few people hurt attempting the first one too.
I thought the same at first but if you watch a few people clear it and keep having a go yourself, you'll do it eventually.
This is one of the great things about MTBing - expanding your skill set and clearing obstacles you never thought you'd do.
In my book that is the B line! I once saw someone go up the large rock on the righthand side. Pretty awesome to watch needless to say I'll never be able to do that one.
Pete's right, the more you watch and practice that section the better you'll get then one day you'll just clear it and never look back... Apart from the occasional slip up