You are hereStill can't get up rock garden

Still can't get up rock garden

C3PO's picture

By C3PO - Posted on 20 July 2014

20 Jul 14
pancakes's picture

I can get up the rock garden but can't get close to 36! #havecakeandeatit


R_M.G's picture

At 38mins then we're at similar points Eye-wink

Matt P's picture

Granted its been a few years since I rode MD but where is there a rock garden?

all74's picture

I assume he means the rocks at the end of the Golf Course sniggle which require speed and skills to get up, I've made it at the bottom but the last little bit at the top always stops me. He could mean the rock garden proper on the trig track just after this but my full sus anthem makes short work of this usually (all bike, not much to do with my skills)

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