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An epic ride - indoors?

This morning was time to try out the new toy, a power meter.
Unfortunately by the time I organised tools this morning, I missed the usable weather window for this weekend, and it started to rain heavily. For some reason, riding in the rain on a roadie doesn't appeal (something to do with the grey sludge from the rapidly wearing rims) so I elected to use the hydraulic trainer in the garage.
Hook up the fan and away we go. The trouble is, I have trouble lasting more than 30 minutes on these inventions of the devil. They're so booooooring.
Two hours later I stepped off the bike dripping wet from sweat feeling like I'd done everything I could, chasing down the rider in front, engaging in attacks, short sharp sprints (lots of them, 18 to be precise) and generally smashed myself. A great workout, judging by the jelly legs.
So how did that happen?
Just before I went on the cruise with the missus earlier this year I downloaded some of these vids from the appropriately named website and copied them to the smartphone. They're not like any indoor trainer vid I've ever seen.
The one I did today (and there are many to choose from) is the longest one, called Blender. It goes for an hour and 40 minutes.
Here's the trailer. See what you think.
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Is that what that grey sludge is that makes such a mess when riding in the wet?
What power meter did you get?
It's the aluminium from your brake track.
The PM is a Power2Max. Unfortunately it needs to go in for a firmware update but I couldn't resist taking it for a spin.
I also scored a Quarq S2275 for the Scalpel stupidly cheap out of the US. Hopefully wet weather won't kill it.
Now I'm on the hunt for a copy of Friel's Power Meter handbook.
spinnervals are great too
Awesome. I love training using a power meter and I'm bit of a data junkie. The best thing about a power meter is there's no hiding from the numbers.
On the mtb its great for intervals etc but the numbers don't represent how hard an overall ride is.
On the road bike its completely different.