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Mont 24hr 2015

hawkeye's picture

By hawkeye - Posted on 10 November 2014

Saturday, 28 March, 2015 (All day)

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

24 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Kowen Forest
Meeting Point: 

The Ride Canberra site describes the main forest entrance as being the corner of Kowan Road and Sutton Roads. There is a parking area 5km into the forest along Kowan road with gates that may be locked. Call Canberra Connect (13 22 81) for the combinations or ride from Sutton Road for a warm up.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

The theme for the 2015 Mont is horror. Think zombie trail builders, creatures from the black lagoon, the Mummy, Adam's Family and all the other creepy monsters that lurk in the dark. Join us for a horribly good time on March 28-29. It will be Monstrous. It will be Ghoul.
Ride the Kow!

The 2014 course was a standout for sure, but to keep things fresh we will deliver a shiny new course for you in 2015. We are building new trails all the time so it is great to be able to fold these in with our all-time favourites and surprise you each year. Watch this space...

Who's in?
CB, staffe, tate, beetle, pancakes
CB staffe tate beetle pancakes
What Happened?

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...

Who Title Status Laps Time Pos.Gen. Category Pos.Cat.
beetle So close Finished 25 24:17:29 6 Open male team of 4 4
staffe 3rd in a team of 4 - yay! Finished 23 23:50:00 Foursomes - Roaring 40s - Male 3

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
StanTheMan's picture

I have to find a team to ride in...

xmas's picture

somebody who shall remain nameless ... pancakes... challenged me yesterday to put together a NoBMoB team.

The working title of the Masters of NoBMoB... let me know if you or anyone out there is interested.

StanTheMan's picture


hawkeye's picture

Interested too. Somewhat dependent on what my young 'Ășn wants to do. Will know more on that front after Rotorua.

pancakes's picture

lol, xmas. I asked you the question! My conscience is clear. Laughing out loud

Best of luck and don't pinch our camping spot!

pancakes's picture

Really hope I can make it. Fearing work may interfere, though...

Ronnie Myers's picture

I am visiting Sydney from the States during the above timeframe. I race and ride mountain bikes here in the states. Can someone please help me find a place to rent a mountain bike and a ride or 2 to join in on. I know no one in Sydney and would really appreciate some assistance.

Thank you.

Ronald Myers
[email protected]

hawkeye's picture

Rolled my ankle badly on Wednesday nite. Looking at 4-6 weeks recovery, and then trying to get some fitness back.

Sad Sad Sad Sad

CB's picture

PM sent


tate's picture

I'm in. Should be a good opportunity to improve the skills.

Scottboy's picture

are your Ikon tyres still for sale ?

hawkeye's picture

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