You are hereGentlemen, I give you a sub 30
Gentlemen, I give you a sub 30

Its taken me a long time to finally achieve this.
It all started in 2009 when my sons best mate did a lap around Manly Dam for his his 10th birthday party. I was one of the dad's helping keep 10 10year olds in check. I was on a ladies cruiser 28inch road wheels. I had a ball. This took me right back to my youth. I was a BMX head in the early 80's.
Eventually I got a MTB. I thought it was soooo cool. The best bike. It was a Repco Scout from Big W. ( yea i know I'm rolling my eyes too right now LOL). A good friend of mine eventually invited me to the 2010 Scott 24 in his Masters 6 pack team.
Training in the next 6 months I broke everything on the bike going around Manly Dam.There wasn't much that wasn't replaced. My best time on that bike was something like 38 minutes something. I don't recall exactly. But someone felt sorry for me for the scott 2010 & lent me his spare bike. I'm sure it was a specialized Enduro from 2002. We got poduim. Truthfully we were all surprised. a bunch of old dad's from seaforth. Ha'ha
But it made me realise how bad my bike really was. So i sold my soul to get a propper Mountain bike. I sold all the go fast bits on my sports car to finance the Anthem X3 2011.
She was a beautiful bike. In fact the first nigh i picked her up. She spent it in our bed. As I couldn't ride her as the wife had organised some social outing. next morning was the first ride. OMG. The gears worked. braking was awesome she was such a great bike.
within a week or 2 i was down to around 35 Minutes. This must have been around late November 2010.
This is when I started thinking .....awww I'd love to get a sub 30.
late december 2010 was down to 32:50
It took me until October 2011 to get to 32:38
after that I tried & tried. doing 3-4 laps per week to get closer to that sub 30 min lap. It just eluded me completely.
November 2013 I started a daily commute to work. after a few weeks I had my first go at another hotlap. it was over 35 min. sheeeet.
So in Feb this year I managed a 32:30. I was doing a serious amount of extra riding but still couldn't mamnage a sub 30. I kind of started to give up.
I then got roped in doing intervals in Mosman with out famous Nobmobbers Chitts & Warthog. In April 2014 I managed a 31;10. It drove home the benefit of intervals.
A few months ago I started intervals again with the same group. Iand it became obvious I lacked some serious skill. last 12 months Ive hardly done any off road. mainly commuting & intervals.
so Wartog & chitts and a few others took me on a few laps around manly dam. Giving me massive moral support on my quest of the sub 30.
This morning we were going for a casual ride with a few other riders who bailed out because of threat of rain. I was all ready to go so off I went.
I wasn't thinking about a hotlap at first. But I started at a good pace not to run out of legs.
My heart rate came through my mouth at the usual places. Those steps after the moon rock. Just before the finish of the golf course wiggle.
After the wiggle I looked at my garmin & thought well look at that. I think I'm going toi have a go. It was game on from there.
The trail has been dumbed down as we all know but for good reason. Up Heartbreak hill the heart attack loomed again but I got away with it. same thing again up the hill towards MV public school.
I finished at Bangeroo/ Kalui St. I Wasnt sure how I went as the Garmin started from home But I knew it was close. I had to wait to post it on Strava.
Excitement ensued and I'd like to particular thank Warthog, Chitts, Oli, Mike, & mark for helping me realize this after 4 years. They've been putting up with me. Thank you guys.
This was done without sports Gel. I recon I might get another 30 secs off that. we'll see. I really don't care if it doesn't.
I know Manly dam is a lot smoother & it was perhaps a little easier. But its all relative. Conditions were just favorable.
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Well done. It's always good to hit your targets, no matter if they take a little longer than expected.
Now then, what's next!
Its the commuting that made the difference
Gidday Nick. for sure the commuting has made a big difference. Intervals are not to be underestimated though.
what next? I'll perhaps have 1 more go withing the next few weeks & see if I can get under 29 min. Then its time to retire. LOL whether i get the sub 29 or not.
Two in an hour?
LOL Gazza....thats going to take 8 years.....
Congrats and good show of determination. Puts you in a special category of Manly Dam riders.
Now what would be super impressive is doing another hot lap on that Big W bike
I think Thats going to happen just for shits & giggles. LOL
How's about a bit of a challenge?
I'll give you 6 months to do 2 in an hour and I'll do 4 in 2hrs the same day?
Nothing like a bit of pressure to get you training?
gawd.....pressure!!!!! let me do a lap on the big W shitter first for shitz & giggles Gazz
Stef agree with Gaz but lets bring it forward - Sunday 1st March 2015 set for challenge date. I've seen you ride the techie stuff the last few outings and with a bit more practice you are easily going to shave of a minute without the need to get fitter.
1st of March date will force all of us to keep of the beers and choccies over December.
Chitts, Mike - you boys in for the challenge - 4 laps in 2 hours? be fair, given you finish a 5 hour race 30 minutes ahead of Mike and I, you get 12 minutes less to complete it in and anyone not making the challenge has to buy brekkie for all (Groupons allowed).
That's my Birthday.
I like beer.
I drink beer on Saturday nights!
End of story!
i.e. new date please Gazza. Btw how is that back of yours going to cope on that hardtail of yours especially given the fact that your are getting on in years.
Gawd.....I haven't even taken the Shitter around for a hot lap & you guys expect me to do 2 laps in under 2 hrs before march?.... LMAO
2 lapse in 1 hour
Ohhh wait.....dang.
2 x (2 laps in 1hr) = 4 laps in 2 hrs !
yes I know. sorry I did mean to say that. 2 laps under 60 min.
first a sub 29 min lap.
It's the mind that's going!
I'm keen for a date anytime around that date.
I'm going back to Alice at easter but that's not till a bit after.
Yeah, I'm in for this. Might aim for earlier than suggested though...
4 laps in 1:56:49 including having to stop for a pensioner pedestrian on the final downhill section to warn him of descending mountain bikers. Guess there's still a few weeks before 1 March challenge..
Strava or it didn't happen You're a fkn animal Mike. Well done. Gauntlet thrown!
It did happen. He's got the KOM on Strava
you just need to look
Love your work mike
Wow. Today. In this heat.