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Red Hill Fire Trail Gates

Watto's picture

By Watto - Posted on 21 December 2014

First it was a great technical downhill (from the rock carvings)
next some heavy earthmoving equipment turned it into a fun downhill with air opportunities (I dont dispute the necessity of safe and ready access of the RFS to fight fires)
Then the effective use of tax payer funds to bugger up everyones fun with a gate that would stop a Sherman Tank in the middle nowhere. (At the start of the climb to the rock carvings/turn off to top of Cromer)

Go figure!

kitttheknightrider's picture

land managers.

hawkeye's picture


thshs's picture

There are also new signs so the motos won't be able to claim ignorance.
Christine and the other horse riders won't be happy though.

twotommos's picture

I'm interested in the video feeds and wonder who'll be observing them?

Matt P's picture

If they're anything like the gates used down at Menai, they will last around 30 seconds of winching.

obmal's picture

yes its made a bit of a brake check of the downhill and I think the gate could have been placed better (my guess is that its on a boundary?)

Money may have been better spent on signage and better gates at the entrances and perhaps protecting and preserving the carvings.

It wont stop Mr Moto..

SpokeyDokey's picture

Hey Oldandslow, we're both retired. I think we have an obligation to help this situation. Clearly, what's needed is security here. I've got the brains, and you have the brawn, so let's get at it young fella. We can easily set up a sentry point next to the gate, and you would be able to open the gate for Christine and horsey brethren. You in homes?

thshs's picture

Currently busy acting as the hired muscle over at the Possum keeping out runners, walkers, bird watchers etc. Having a hell of a good time thumping riders who dare ride in the wrong direction also. I suggest you set up camp, sit in your rockin' chair with the sawn-off resting comfortably in your lap and wait till I've sorted the situation up here.

SpokeyDokey's picture

Bam! Hombre, they should call you The Mailman cos you ALWAYS deliver.

spindog's picture

looks like I'm a gunna' need it! Eye-wink

sly_artichoke's picture


Pants's picture

the speed you come down there, all you need is a nice kicker and you're over that gate...

Watto's picture

It's the site of the first see saw on the Northern beaches!

christine's picture

Packing up the rocking chair after your shifts then? I could drop some whiskey off to help bide the time?

Us horsey girls are creative and just ride around that gate...guessing that gate will be my excuse for maybe not making the hill out on the SS though!

Have to say, seems slightly less motos to me but I've been up at different times.

Shall Keep my ears tuned to the sound of the shotgun cocking...and the chair a rocking

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