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2015 Capital Punishment

Lach's picture

By Lach - Posted on 07 January 2015

Saturday, 7 March, 2015 - 07:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Meeting Point: 

100km start is at Kowen Forest. 50km start is at the National Arboretum. Locations details at


All the details are at

First round of the Maverick Series

Who's in?
Lach, garyinoz, Brian, Blades_Utd, Bikeboy, Antsonline, Medigger, Fatboy, twotommos, sly_artichoke, Tristania, andyfev, Pete B, ahein, Jubas, Hangers, simoen (17 riders)
Lach garyinoz Brian Blades_Utd Bikeboy Antsonline Medigger Fatboy twotommos sly_artichoke Tristania andyfev Pete B ahein Jubas Hangers simoen
What Happened?

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...

Who Title Status Time Pos.Gen. Category Pos.Cat.
andyfev Fairwell CP... You'll be missed Finished 02:25:00 93 50km male Veterans (30-39) 32
ahein First and last capital punishment Finished 02:30:38 131 Veterans 44
Lach The end of Capital Punishment..... Finished 02:37:20 168 50km male Supermasters (50-59) 21
Tom M 1st ever race CP2015 Finished 02:57:34 254 50km male Open (18-29) 21
Tristania Not a bad execution! Finished 03:51:27 26 100km male Elite 20
Brian 2015 Capital Punishment Done. Finished 03:54:58 32 100km male Masters (40-49) 6
Hangers Punished- Recovered- Punished again Finished 04:27:11 118 100km male Open (18-29) 12
garyinoz Capital punishment 2015 Finished 04:33:50 148 100km male Masters (40-49) 47
Pete B Capital Punishment 2015 Finished 04:39:53 168 100km male Veterans (30-39) 40
Fatboy Fun Weekend in Canberra Finished 04:41:17 172 100km male Masters (40-49) 61
Blades_Utd Not a good way to finish the last Capital Punishment Did not finish 100km male Veterans (30-39)

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Pete B's picture

I'm really looking forward to this years race. Hopefully all the extra training will pay off.

andyfev's picture

@Pete B, if you manage to avoid face planting this time and don't have a nanny nap in the untimed section I'm gonna put you at anywhere between 4hrs 15mins - 4hrs 30mins. You'll smoke it is what I'm really trying to say Eye-wink

ahein's picture

Just entered for the 50km race. This will be my first attempt at this race and just wondering whether anyone has some tips especially since i have not ridden any of the trails before and its unlikely i will get to ride them before the event. Thanks

andyfev's picture

I did my first CP last year 50km. My advice is, if you're not overly fit like me, start moderately then increase pace at the halfway mark. Climb well and enjoy the sweet fast descents.

You'll love it Eye-wink

Jubas's picture

..for the Stromlo climb, and you'll be fine..

I've entered the 50km - haven't done the race starting from the arboretum. I'm assuming everything from start to Stromlo is fire trail. Is that right?

Lach's picture

... except for a steep tar road climb and short tar descent to start with. Well, it was last year any way.

ahein's picture

Thanks for the tips. Looking at an elevation profile of someone who did it last year it looked like that climb was the big one of the course.

Jubas's picture

..but it's quite a pleasant climb in the scheme of things - switchbacks, the occasional fun section etc

And then the following downhill (Skyline, luge) is incredibly fun!

andyfev's picture

This vid makes all the training all worth it Eye-wink

GarethP's picture

Just got an email saying this is the last Capital Punishment. That's a bit sad, it was a really fun race. And I'm missing it this year!

andyfev's picture

I got the same email... Gutted, such a great event!! Now I've got to go this year Eye-wink

Pete B's picture

Great Video Andy, the excitement is building now!

Agreed, shame it's the last one. Wonder what will take its place.

Tristania's picture

Does anyone know if camping is permitted at the race start as it is for Kowalski - cheapest and easiest option but I couldn't find any info on it...

Brian's picture

Finally entered. I'm in for the 100. This will be my first race in 6 months.

Blades_Utd's picture

More than likely my last race as a Veteran..

Brian's picture

Another one in masters. Soon it will be like "you got a top 20 in masters, that's awesome"...

Antsonline's picture

It my 38th next week, and I have made a promise that when I turn 40 I will race Masters. I'm looking forward to a different style of racing.

Big shame that its the last CP. A classic, iconic, race.

Tristania's picture

Is Great Grand Masters for 60+? Hope y'all will still be there 20 years down the track!

Shame that it's the last one, does anyone know why they're discontinuing it?

Lach's picture

.... for the over 60's is Grand Masters.

Some of us are already there or thereabouts, so when you hit Masters, I, for instance, might be looking to race one of those mobility vehicles Smiling

Need a flowy track for that....

More interestingly, I wonder why AROC Sports haven't tried to sell the race as a going concern to some other promoter? Maybe they have for all I know, but it seems a shame that 10 years or work and goodwill just evaporates like that?

hawkeye's picture

And there was no goodwill attached? Seems to me any of the established event companies could put on an event on the same trails and pull similar numbers within a year. The goodwill would be attached to the operator's reputation and the trail, rather than a particular event name.

Hopefully someone will do just that.

Lach's picture

... if they'd sold it. Any goodwill component of a purchase price would have to involve publicly passing the baton on to the purchaser I would think.

hawkeye's picture

Sorry, i meant they'd possibly tried to sell it and not succeeded because there's nothing a new operator would see advantage in paying for?

davo29er's picture

I think this year is the races 5th. Commenced in 2010, possibly the most fun on a bike ever that year. also it was a full 50km. Maybe they'll bring back The Angry Doctor

andyfev's picture

One week to go... Can't wait Eye-wink

Pete B's picture

Yep, same here.

One more long ride tomorrow morning then time for tapering.

Antsonline's picture

First 'proper' race of the year!
Literally cant wait for the gun to go.

Drink up well today - if you are riding the 100km, those first 30km or so don't have much time for grabbing a bottle - so you might be a little 'dry' by the neutral zone.

Safe drive and good race all.

Brian's picture

Already started loading myself up

Pete B's picture

All packed, just got to pick the bike up from having the shock serviced on the way home from work.

Really looking forward to this race.

Good luck everyone!

ahein's picture

Looking forward to this race as it's the first time I have done it. Just need to pack up the car, bike and family and off we go Smiling

Jubas's picture

Drove down from Syd this morning and working from our CBR office today. It was nice and chilly down here at ~8am.

Take something to keep you warm before the race starts!

Pyrate's picture

that I am not going to this.

Was really looking forward to it from months back but the world conspired against me headed to the nations capital over the last few weeks.

Ride well everyone, you lucky lucky bastards.

andyfev's picture

T'was awesome will miss the event that's for sure

Pete B's picture

For those that haven't yet seen, results are now up:-

Edit, anyone know who the photography company was?

Lach's picture

... CP website says available 5 days after the event.

davidren's picture

Three videos of the race are available at the Sparrow Hill website:

Capital Punishment 100km 2015
Capital Punishment 100km Pt 2
Punishment on a Sparrow rock garden

Fatboy's picture

Like everyone else I was watching the 3rd video just hoping I wasn't one of those making a simple little corner look difficult. Finally after about 3.5min I was able to breathe a sigh of relief as I rode through without hesitation and kept my manhood in tact...

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