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Kiwarrak in the wet?

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
I may have a chance to get up to kiwarrak in the next few days but it looks like there may be a bit of rain around
What's the trail surface like, does it handle a little moisture or best to avoid if the rain eventuates?
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The trails generally handle rain well. I was up there for a couple of days over new years and the tracks were great even though it had rained a total of 60mm over the week or so beforehand. You may want to give the LBS Bourkes Bikes a call before you head up to get the latest conditions: ph 6552 1251. If you haven't been before, or even if you have, take a good map with you (can get free from Bourkes Bikes or download). With all that singletrack it can be hard to find your way back to the car park...
Pretty well.I was up there about a month ago the day after a massive deluge and there was no standing water.You will love it Flynny judging by the vids you post.The down hill has some bloody big gap jumps and there are two new downhill sections that were being cut in while i was there that would be probably finished by now,the massive seesaw into the gully is abit sketchy unless fixed since i was up there as the last few rungs are missing off the end,makes for an interesting exit!I love that place i reckon its the best network on the east coast...
Trail surface is generally good although it tends to get covered in leaf litter pretty fast.
Last time I was up I followed the Chocolate Foot event loop which had been blown off by a leaf blower a week or two earlier and it was magic flow zone for the whole loop except for one dry creek crossing that woke you up. Even though it didn't have much elevation change I couldn't stop grinning.
The outside of a few off camber corners do get a bit slick after rain but there's only a couple of those.
Do not ride through the big black fire trail puddles. You will never be seen again. I suspect they dump you on a planet in another galaxy. That's unconfirmed though. Nobody has ever come back to tell.
Salivating at the thought of being up there in three weeks time... *must avoid Snakes and puddles*
Sounds tip top.
Most of the trails I ride tend to be leaf schewn. I like the unpredictability it gives. Tends to hone my fading reflexes or something.
Will attempt to drag thing 2 out and hit it up
Make sure you find 'Son of Skull' & 'Hells Garden'. They were my 2 faves, however everything is gold.
I was a bit pressed for time and didn't ride everything. Or even nearly everything or probably even nearly half of everything. But Had a bit of fun. Got a little lost. Grinned like an idiot on occasion. Sweated like a pig for most of it.
Tip top at the top tip.