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Nob's Rule
Nob’s Rule.
What a great weekend. Thanks Christine, the Church was the best, not to mention the toilets and the kitchen. We easily had the best setup.
After a night of little sleep due to snoring, the continual stream of blokes to the toilet, pre-race nerves, wind trainers and moaning it was up to watch the 100k’s depart. The 3 hours till race time didn’t take long to pass, but the 20 minutes wait for the race start took forever.
It was off and my race plan of riding to my heart rate monitor fell apart when the monitor refused to start – it was now time for Plan B (reach the half way make and see how I feel). On the road section once the initial jostling for positions finished it was a Nob-athon with Pikey, Gary, Bernd, Andy, Brain and me. Andy had an off and while the train slowed Brian brought him back up and all was good until “that hill”. Even though I am a Dirtworks virgin that hill had me mentally beaten already, so I started walking as soon as I saw it.
Walking was a cunning plan of mine because I have long legs and I was able to pass people on the way up, I even ran into a bloke I used to work with 10 years ago so we chatted for a while until I thought it was time to press on. I caught Lozza and Ben near the top and we swapped positions over the 5 or kilometres.
My heart rate monitor had finally come good, but I covered this up because I didn’t want to stress myself and hung on to the water station. Low and behold 20 metres from the water station a volunteer waved me down to stop. A 100k rider was about to be air-evacuated so we couldn’t proceed. Luckily I stopped my stop watch, so I could calculate they had us there for 16 minutes. The plus was I could take a toilet break and eat some GU, the negative was that 200 plus riders all caught up. When we could go I refilled my Camel but 60 plus rider overtook me here.
Continuing on I was with Pikey, Gary (and my mates Andrew and Andy) until the first hill when a dropped chain saw them ride off. I was feeling great and the rolling topography suited me perfectly so I picked up the pace and caught them shortly and a little later on caught Andy (Bloot) and then Lozza.
On every downhill section I reckon we Nob’s just flew passed the more tentative riders and wasn’t the big downhill a blast – I had at lest 6 front wheel landings and nearly ate dirt on three occasions – that is the closest I’ve been to the edge in a long time.
I hit the road and started to grind, passing Ben who was taking it easy and gritting my teeth for what seemed ages. Every time I came to a hill/incline I passed riders and this lifted me.
I came in with an official time 2hr 47min because of the helicopter stop, but my stopwatch still proudly reads 2:31.05. – I am very very happy with that.
Nob’s Rule –
• Best facilities
• Biggest Group of riders
• Best group downhill
• Most fun had
• Star riders (Shaun, Steve, John, Alex, etc)
What about all the 50k riders all within minutes of each other Andrew, Brian, Pikey, Lozza, Ben, Gary, Gazza, Liam, Harry (when he doesn’t have a mechanical) BERND and me, (I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone) and the with other not to far away. Not to mention Stuart and Christine (DW Virgin) with PB’s.
Fantastic weekend – I’m off for some cross-training in preparation for the next race.
P.S. Christine you are a bacon sandwich maestro.
P.P.S Thanks to Stuart who on the way home rather than waiting for the ferry lead the way to Mangrove Mountain (Gosford) and then down the highway. An extra 100k and 2hr40m trip, but as I was approaching home Bernd and his crew were still waiting for the ferry after 2 and 1/2 hours in the queue.
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... about me???
" (I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone) "
I'm so sad....
Well done everyone, What a gr8t weekend!
LOL, this made me laugh, "Even though I am a Dirtworks virgin that hill had me mentally beaten already, so I started walking as soon as I saw it."
I rode 'til just past the log across the track then walked from there. Think previous years I've re-mounted the bike after the switchback left (which was just coming into sun as we were there) but didn't bother this year - clearly a better choice!