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Anyone ride the Dam today??

I assume you need a snorkel?? Got tomorrow morning off.
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches]
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It's closed.
Cascades, entry via Ralston Ave Belrose, rides pretty well in the wet. You'll wear your drive train / brakes a bit quicker than normal but if you have to get out its got some good descents and climbs.
Steer clear of Manly Dam & Bantry Bay... They'll need some warmer weather / wind to dry out after the soaking of the last few days.
Someone needs to pull their finger out and put the closed signs up.
They re-opened it last Friday morning according to the Facebook/Twitter pages but I don't think they bothered to update the status on the council web page.
Given there hasn't been much rain since last Wednesday I can't see why they would have closed it again.
But clearly mixed messages between different websites and lack of signs on the track.
on Sunday follwong the rain last Wednesday. I went in late Sunday afternoon to check the single track along the parkway and spent some time clearing leaves and muck out of the drains all the way along this section. but it rained again very heavily early Monday morning for around an hour, absolutely bucketed down. I haven't heard such consistently heavy rain for a while and so they closed it again Monday. Assuming we don't get any more rain I'm thinking it should be open again tmrw or friday...
Also on Monday evening it rained very heavy there as well
Probably a case of trust the locals on this one. The area surrounding Bantry Bay; Frenchs Forest, Forestville, Allambie Heights etc, is a bit of a micro climate.
We're one of the wettest areas in Sydney and often get heavy rain when other areas get nothing.
It's been dry now Tuesday & Today (Wednesday) but not hot and only a light wind. I'd be calling it a pink shade of Amber and unless you absolutely MUST ride the single trail then skip it and hit up the fire trails instead.
hits the nail on the head.
When my young un was playing cricket, there'd be times we'd be lying in bed thinking its way too wet they can't possibly be playing, its absolutely belting down. Come 8am the phone call would come "WHERE ARE YOU? The match is about to start."
"But what about the rain? Its pouring here."
"What rain?"
After the third time it happened
we just went to the match anyway.
Often dry here in Manly early in the morning but raining by the time you reach belrose or terryhills! ;-(