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Want to order ayups but cannot decide on beams

I cannot decide which to buy yet. I keep hearing different ideas about which beams are better for our use.
I cannot see us doing any crazy night riding, mainly fire trail and possibly some single track. Any users of ayups seen both beams of the current range of lights in the flash care to offer some guidance?
I have seen the beam shots on the website but I would like to know how people are going out there in the real world with the ayups. Also just curious how hard it is to get the beam changed afterwards? is it as simple as a lens change? or the actual light itself?
sorry for the rant I'm confused and want to get back out on the night rides before the night is over....
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Intermediates for the bars and narrows for the helmet are the manufacturer's recommendation for offroaders. Suuposedly gives you a good spread and the ability to look around corners.
For roadies, the recommendation for bar-only mount is is medium beam.
I ordered mine over a week ago and I'm hoping they'll turn up soon.
If it helps I use intermediate (medium) on the bars and narrow on the helmet and I'm pretty happy with the set up.
Harry I am a bit confused when I go to ayup site I have three options for beam intermediate, medium & narrow. Just above you typed intermediate and then in brackets medium? I thought they were different beams?
I have been looking at lights lately and while I am no expert below is an extract from the Ay-Up website
Ay Up lights use CREE XRE in a Cool White Tint and we supply the lights with the brightest possible bins available at the time. Currently we are running the Q3 bin (Nov 07). We offer three beam options, narrow, intermediate and medium. The narrow beam is very powerful and throws a good strong beam, ideal for helmet mounted use. The intermediate offers a long beam and good spread, ideal for both helmet and handlebar. The medium beam does not have the throw of the narrow and intermediate but has a wider spread and is perfect for the handlebars and to compliment the helmet light. For off road use we recommend narrow for the helmet and intermediate for the bars. For road / commuting use the intermediate or medium beam is ideal but the medium obviously lacks the throw of the marrow. As our lights are so light and inexpensive, with out a doubt the best and safest setup is to use both lights (helmet & handlebar) for all types of riding.
Is this the go: "08 MTB - $445 AUD ex GST" ? ??? requires the user to spec colour and "Narrow", "Medium" or "Intermediate" for each. Sounds like it should be Narrow and Intermediate. "Choose this kit for off road use. Recommended beams are Narow for the helmet and Intermediate for the handlebars". They must spell Narrow with one R in Qld.
A number of us purchased the Regular kits last year... except when we bought, the batteries didn't have the on/off switch. That's the only upgrade I would like to make. The 08 MTB kit looks great, especially if you have more than one bike.
Narrow on the helmet and Medium on the handlebars works for me...
Mine has narrow for the helmet and intermediate on the handlebars.
I have narrow on the head and medium on the handle bars but I think I would prefer intermediate which I think would be a better combination for faster riding.
Einnie minnie minie mo
Thanks for the advice everyone, I have made my order and looking forward to joining the night rides again soon!
now comes the waiting
Anyone ordered recently? how long did they take?
Roughly two weeks. Mine turned up today.
I've already burned my retinas once from looking into the things for a split-second - and that was during daylight hours. I pity anyone coming towards me on the unlit bikepath by Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation.
Dammit I didn't want to hear that. E-mail I got said 2-5 business days. I was wishing upon a star that they would arrive before next weeks wed night ride!
I ordered mine yesterday as well.
Craig's order has come in already... see his thread...
Tried my intermediates tonight on the way home from work.
I can see though why you need the helmet set as well for trail riding. Turning tight to get into the tunnel under Burnt Bridge Creek Deviation and on a couple of spots on the bike path it was awkward to get the light to shine where you were about to go.
I'll mount them up some time in the next couple of days.
Yep, that is about the same reaction that everyone else has when they fire up their Cree Ayups for the first time.
Them little critters are damn powerful.
I got the email to say mine have been shipped. Looks like I'm up for a night ride next week.
hehe me too YAY! Should get them today or Monday. Thinking I may nick off work early to get them
haha I feel like a kid.
Mine have just arrived. Happy days
I got up bright and early on Saturday morning and santa had been
Pretty happy so far, really want to try them out. Where is the night ride at this week?
One has been posted here
I did my first ride using my new Ay Up lights. Very nice. Easy to use with the on/off switch on the battery and being able to mount the batteries so easy.
Some pics