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Alternative Enduor track loop

They emerged from the darkness under the big sky of the Newnes Plateau. The milky way blazing in the crisp clear Autumn air.
Godlings on demon steeds. The 4 winds of time. They met on the plateau in a place know to some as Bungleborri camp, some as Nine Mile Cabin and yet others as Forestry Hut, the whatever cabin or hut had once stood there had long ago been eaten but the march of time.
The North Wind, the dark lord Meggsie, was the lord of this domain having traversed it hidden paths since time immortal and calling the others to mount up he lead the way back along the old road before setting course down one of the hidden paths.
The East Wind, lord of Chaos Craig was the first to fall victim to the perils of these wild trails when one of the denizens of the plateau, the fearsome shrubbery creature jumped out from the darkness, grabbed his right wrist and flipped him judo style from his steed. But Chaos' lightning reflexes came to the fore and he struck back with the only sure attack against a shrubbery creature, he shoulder rolled, slide on his back, kicking up a cloud of dust and laughed heartily, rendering the shrub inanimate, tho stand there for all time as a bush.
The West Wind, Lord of Mountains Peter surveyed the situation with his other worldly gaze of new Ay-Upness and continued on to find the next challenge.
The trail flowed, corner after corner leading down into the sand strewn bowels of hell before Jason, South Wind, Lord of the sausage sizzle found the hill of deadly uppness and charged at it on his mighty steed. the other Winds followed and in quick order the hill was defeated and the elusive Enduro trail opened before them.
Without hesitating the godlings charged in. Time stood still as they became one with the flow of the trail. Corner after corner came at them but even the mighty sand traps of the plateau monsters could stop the joy of the ride and thrill of the chase.
Down and up the trail took them before dipping down again but all to soon they had concurred the beast and found themselves once more on open fire trail with the beckoning call of more Single trail off in the distance.
They waisted no time and speed off in pursuit of Single Trail.
They soon found it and set off once more relishing bermed corners, flowing trails and rocky pinches but even at the end of this their night was not yet done. The Winds swept on, past the bog of 4x4-recovery-training-peril and into yet more uncharted single track. Down and up and down again, technical yet flowing the godlings had grins from ear to ear but one more hill monster stood waiting for them to challenge it.
As One the Winds charged up it's face, the hill no challenge for he who had the right gear. More wide track, double track and single track took the godlings back to the site of their emergence, and with supid grins still gracing their faces they packed up the steeds and melted back into the stairy night....
Big thanks to Meggsie for pointing out some awesome Single trail I'd never ridden before
And with a heap more trails to explore definitely recommended for an away trip at some stage.
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... this ride sounds most wondrous. Forsooth - it doth belong on the slate for our next visit out there.