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Stromlo 24 Hour?

Word on the street is entries for the CORC 24h will go live this weekend:
It's on October 11/12... Me thinks interested parties should begin to form their teams.
Can we count on Groover & Damien for solo entries? Nutters!
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Is the Mont 24 still within two weeks of the Scott 24 (or is this the Scott 24?)
What am I racing in and where??? I'm confused.
Solo once a year will do me.
Team entry for the Scott is the go.
to avoid over crowding the calendar with closely spaced 24hr events. Alchemist, have you heard anything different?
I have also heard that the Mont will be put back to early next year but nothing official.
I'd be keen on doing this. The Mont was awesome fun last year. Shame it's not on this year then.
I would like to do the Scott and looking to enter in a team of 4 or 6 mixed or not.
Entries for this race can fill up pretty quickly (but not last year thanks to the Mont being on at the same time) and will probably open up within the next month or so. If you are intrested now is the time to start thinking about it and getting organized so whos up for it and what size teams are we all intrested in.
I'm putting my hand up for a 6 man... erm... person (who wants to be the token girl?
) team at the Scott. Come on, you know you want to!
I could be the token single speed 6 person sounds like a good sensible number.
cheer squad for me!!!
with that solo decision Rob and have been for the last 2 weeks, with 131 days to go I could do well off the back of the last one, except I'm working too much and finding it hard to go out in the cold dark nights up here for training, maybe a new exercise bike will encourage me? I've never ridden the course and have thought I should zip down on the weekend for a few laps and then I may be dead keen to get back for a whole bunch more in Oct.
Confused John.
do a quick lap and then ride home. If you do like the track then you've started your training with a killer ride
I've been thinking about riding down on the roadie as I don't own a crosser, but would be looking for a lift back to within 30km of home.
Bum somewhere Saturday night and ride home Sunday. Whats wrong with ya son, are you a man or a mouse?
You told me that this year I could be the token Bitch
I was looking forward to that!!!
Oh well I guess theeeen this is the one
I have almost forgotten all about the trauma of getting up in the middle of the night so I am up for this.
Scott is just as much if not more fun.
training hard at the moment and will be quite competitive by that time and up for some punishment! any takers?
Separating the Scott and Mont is a great idea - it was very hard to justify going to Canberra to race only a couple of weeks apart, now I can do both - yipee.
I'll definitely be there.
Secret training has started have even fitted full wrap around fenders so i can ride / train rain hail or shine. I will be a SS hardman by the time the scott rolls around.
so let's get some teams up and going!
might consider the Mont 24 hours solo come January next year!!
I would be interested to join a team for this one.
Sounds like fun. Let's get it going. I'm in for a 4 man team. We should all have a pretty good base from the doctor by then.
I think I could be up for something like this by then.
I believe there are no solo entries in the Mont its a teams only event but the 24hr solo nationals are on at Easter its great and everyone riding is a solo competetor so you are riding with like minded nutters.
6 man team sounds great, you can count me in. I definitely interested in the Scott 24hr
So, we have the following showing interest from which to make teams:
13 People. Hmmmm... 2 x 6 would be the preference at this point? The only choice to make would be team 'vaguely serious' (no breaks) or team 'fun' (drink beer and take breaks... think we all know who's up for the captain's role there!).
Groover, you are the odd one out, Solo for you!
Or maybe you'll be saved, there will be a few lurking out there who want to try, speak up folks!
Hey guys, is there a bunch of over 40's (I know I look young) building a team? Harry, Pikey - are we still on? Whatever happens, I'm in somewhere. Please?!
Team vaguely serious but fun with no breaks for me 6 person I am a bit competetive so want to have a good go but make it enjoyable too.
Last year I was in Pikey's over 40s team (I was a honorary member!) and we gave it a decent go. We had someone out on the track for the whole 24hrs.
I'd be up to give it a decent go again this year but like Damien I still want to be in a fun team.
And Morgan if you end up in a team with Pikey you'll have the best facilities too. It was awesome last year with two room tent, sink, stoves etc!
... 40? I could be a maybe for that one, too!
I want to be in Pikey's team are a) it looks like he's got all the comfort gear and b) he's already volunteered to be our bitch.
I'm in for the Scott
Pikey, Brian, Harry are we gettin the band back together??
Count me in..
We had a ball at the Mont....I loved the double lap from 2:30am it was a blast!!
I guess i should try out one of these 24 hr thingys.....i'll try not to fall off the bike a few weeks before this one
Surely we'll make three teams easy...
How about a "'relatively young', but not too serious" team...
Buck, Lorrie, Lozza... Christine??? i'm sure there's others too!
Sure thing Lance. I don't mind long as I am in a team
I know that Loz and Tien are also in.
And beware of Lorrie on your team.....he breaks bikes
also suffers from seriousitis
Can i borrow your bike buck?
for any team!!
Been away last 11 days - reason for late post, Craig I'm very keen to get the band back together and Morgan was keen to join us as well. My preference would be a 6 person team and I guess I'm nominating Captain Pikey again.
Count me in for the over 40s, a team of six would be good
Have we got the teams sorted out yet? entered?
The Mont will be in April next year, so i guess a lot of people will be doing this one in the mean time.
The over 40's team is now complete.
Our name at the present could be 40winks but we are still working on it.
Peter R
At least 250 years of mountain biking experiance ready to
take on the youngens and their carbon huffys.
Look out we are coming
Are there 2 Brians or are you getting me confused with someone else (PS. I'm not over 40) but I have actually said I can't make this
Yep there is an Irish Brian from last year's Mont
Harry's neighbour actually
I'll be there come hell or high water.
At this stage I'm hoping my mates are forming a team, but I won't know this for a while.
How about an over 50's team
Wow, do ppl still live that long?
The Brian on Captain Pike's team posts as mccann, we could use Brian C to avoid any confusion