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Shimano MTB GP Round 4 - Ourimbah

trailburner's picture

By trailburner - Posted on 22 March 2016

Saturday, 25 June, 2016 - 09:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

7 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ourimbah State Forest
Meeting Point: 

Enter via Red Hill Rd, Ourimbah State Forest. On your right will be 'TreeTops' for the kids and it's large-ish carpark. Carry on past there and the first small clearing which is were parking used to be, and is where the 'Browns' single track turns (you might see riders on your left here). Please do not park in this car park.

Parking and official trail head is now designated a further 350m or so up the road where there is a larger area. There's a CCOMTB notice board here by the trail entrance (on the left as you drive up the hill). Park up nose to curb or as directed.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

My home track. Love this place.

Who's in?
Lach, trailburner, Fatboy, bmar560, ahein
Lach trailburner Fatboy bmar560 ahein
What Happened?

Blog entries about this meeting (as this is a race standings and times are shown, click on the title for more and to comment)...

Who Title Status Laps Time Pos.Gen. Category Pos.Cat.
ahein Cold but fun ourimbah Finished 7 9
danielschipper Great day out! 7 9
Fatboy How good is Ourimbah? Finished 7 3
bmar560 Shimano GP 4hr at Ourimbah Finished 6 04:00:02 34 9
Lach Nice track, ordinary ride Did not finish 3 02:38:55 108 2

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
trailburner's picture

All solo entrants of the Shimano MTB GP Round 4 (Ourimbah) hosted by Rocky Trail Entertainment will be eligible to receive a free performance testing session with the University of Newcastle (UoN) sport science department. This opportunity is available to male and female entrants aged between 18-50yo who enter a solo category of this event. However, to ensure safety, athletes will be required to complete a health screening form prior to testing. The testing session includes power profiling, VO2 assessment and other tests (normally costing approximately $200-300 at institutes), providing participants with valuable information. For athletes who choose to also participate in future tests with UoN and Rocky Trail, it will be a great way to monitor how your training is impacting on your performance. Following completion of entry, participants will simply need to contact Andrew Novak ([email protected]) at the University of Newcastle Ourimbah campus to organise a day/time for the session. No cost or future commitment is required from athletes and they will be provided with all of their individual data. Participants will be asked if they would like to contribute their anonymised data to research studies that are aiming to improve the training methods of cross-country athletes. While the testing is being provided free of charge, places will be limited so be sure to contact Andrew as soon as you have completed your race entry to secure a place.

bmar560's picture

Thinking of racing this one.
What is the trail going to be like after all this rain ?

hawkeye's picture

It should be OK. Forecast for the next week looks reasonable.

I might be looking for a partnet in crime for the 4hr. My usual team mate can't make this one. Any age group.

My fitness is not what it has been though, thanks to a troublesome knee halving my usual volume since the last round. Just coming good now.

trailburner's picture

It's my hometrack so I know it quite well - especially how it handles rain. We had about 40 or so mm which is not too bad. It will take about 2 days to run off and another day or 2 of sunshine to completely dry up. There is no more rain (other than the odd shower) forecast this week so I expect it to be dry by Saturday.

bmar560's picture

Sounds good.
When is the last day of registration ?

trailburner's picture

Registration will be open until Friday morning.

twotommos's picture

Hey Martin does the loop include the drop off near the top of the ridge as you descend down?

Fatboy's picture

I did the performance testing yesterday thanks Martin. Interesting work they are doing. Not only doing threshold tests & measured power & VO2 they are also looking at riding skill to establish performance impact of fitness vs skill in mountain bike racing. They had a tv set up that had video of a rider with chest mounted camera zipping along single track. I was riding stationery bike watching this with glasses on with cameras looking at my eyes and where I was looking and looks at how quickly I see a line where there are multi choices and asses ability to see the line quickly and whether fastest line was chosen. I'm looking forward to the results.

As for the power results - looks like if I stand up and smash it for 5 seconds at threshold I put out similar w/kg for that 5 seconds as Froome averages over a half hour climb up Alpe d'Huez...

bmar560's picture

Ah well I'm in now Smiling

trailburner's picture

It includes the main xc drop (which also has a b-line) but it's not near the top of the ridge so I am not sure we're talking about the same one.

bmar560's picture

This drop off ?

trailburner's picture

Yes this is the one we are using. It's only scary in this video because of the music Smiling Try watching Jaws with the music - becomes a kid's movie

bmar560's picture

I think the B line is harder than the A line Smiling

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