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Hassans Walls Plan of Management. Rider input needed

When I first joined the club it was because a Plan of Management was being purposed for Hassans walls reserve and I wanted to make sure we had rider input. That fell to the wayside but it's back on the agenda now andI need your help to ensure riders have their voices heard.
Lithgow council have engaged Gondwana Consulting Pty Ltd to consult interested parties and prepare a draft plan.
I have had dealing with Gondwana before when the worked on the Mt York PoM where we successfully lobbied to have the "Walking trails" re branded "Multi use trail" and thus approved for riding
So what can you do to help?
The first step is to fill out and submit the attached questionnaire.
Once that is done there will be opportunity to attend stake holder meetings.
Thanks for your time
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hassans_walls_reserve_plan_of_management_-_feedback_form.pdf | 380.31 KB |
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the survey is now available online
if anyone is stuck for words and wants a bit of a guide here is what I submitted for the q4-7 but please take time to consider your own thoughts
What do you consider to be the main issues or challenges that need to be addressed in the future management of Hassans Walls Reserve? (Please list in your order of importance/concern.)
1. Maintaining the nature based recreational values while also looking after the environment
2. Trail network is mostly maintained because of it's unofficial status
3. Reducing rubbish, especially around the unofficial car park at the bottom of the hill where people seem to park their cars, throw out their coffee cups and maccas wrappers before going for their walk
4. Creating more sympathetic features rather than great metallic boardwalks that detract from the natural ambience of the rock shelves
How would you suggest these issues or problems are addressed in the Reserve’s future planning and management?
1. A Plan of Management is a great start
2. Establish an official trail network with options from beginner right through to advanced riding
3. Signage, awareness and policing
What other improvements or changes would you like to see in the development, facilities, management and use of Hassans Walls Reserve?
There area is prime to be a great mountain destination. 2 hrs from Sydney, at the end of the blue mts train-line and minuets from town.
by incorporating flow trails and beginner loops into the existing trail network Hassans Walls could be the next Stromlo or Derby, in fact it could easily surpass both
Briefly describe how you would like to see Hassans Walls Reserve in 5 to 10 years time?
Pretty much as it is now, with the addition of an extended trail network that is properly maintained and management systems in place to cope with increased visitation
Just back from the first focus group discussing the plan of management with various stake holders.
While we all might have came from different angles and have difference of opinions on some of the specifics I think it was pretty clear every one was one basically the same page with regard to respecting the natural, recreational and, tourism values of the area and wanted better management of the existing facilities.
Only 50 submissions have been made so far. While the consultants thought that was a good thing and above average I'm sure we can do better then that.
Follow the link above to have you say on how Hassans Walls is managed into the future